chapter six : held hostage

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Jade POV.

i woke up with duct tape over my mouth, my hands and feet tied to a bed post, and i was wearing my ring gear, covered in blood.  i scanned by body horrified to see that i had cuts all over my arms and legs.

 i nearly gagged when i looked at my stomach. 

whoever did this carved the words ' you are mine' into my flesh.

" wake up, baby." someone said, before opening the door. randy orton stepped into the room. i should've known. randy took the duct tape off my mouth and he smiled at me

" what do you want with me randy?" i asked,  trying to free my hands. it was useless, the ropes wouldn't budge.

" i've been watching you for some time Jade, your different than other woman." randy said, sitting next to me on the bed.

" so why tie me up?"

" how else was i supposed to get you here?" he said, running his hand through my hair.

" haven't you heard of asking nicely?" i said. randy slapped me across the face.

" don't you dare use an attitude with me Missy, you got that?" he snarled, grabbing a pocket knife out of his jacket.

" i'm sorry randy." i said, not talking my eyes of the knife.

" good, wouldn't want to hurt you more than i already have." he said, putting the knife away, and kissing my forehead.

" why me?" i asked.

" i told you, your different." randy said, looking into my eyes.

" how?" i asked.

" your not here because you wanna be on TV, you can actually wrestle, your not a slut, and your not a backstabbing bitch who manipulates people." randy said, walking to the window. " your kind, caring, funny, you aren't the type of girl you see everyday, and i knew from the day that i met you, i had to make you mine." 

" you've been planning this since my parents died?" i asked. i couldn't believe what randy was telling me. 

" yup, it's too bad you were only thirteen when that happened, because i wouldn't have had to wait for you for so long." he said.

" so, now you got me, what are you going to do with me?"

" well, i have a couple of ideas." randy smirked.

" like what?" i asked. randy walked over to me, put a hand on my face, and kissed me.

" you'll find out soon princess." randy said. " now, i'm going to get dinner, be back in twenty minutes, i love you." he closed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

why did randy mean by a couple of ideas? how did no one think to come look for me? where was my family, did they even know i was missing? god, so many questions with no answers. i started to cry with the thought of never seeing my family of friends again. what was i going to do? how do i get out?

Dean POV. 

i ran out of the arena, trying to find out if randy had left but there was no point, his car was gone, and so were my chances of ever being with Jade. i walked back to the locker room, to find John, Daniel, Seth, arguing.

" guys, what's going on?" i asked, slamming the door to get their attention.

" John and Daniel want our help in finding your slut." Seth said, sitting on the couch.

" hey, don't you dare talk about my daughter that way!" John yelled, grabbing Seth and throwing him against the door.

" John, calm down." I said, holding him back. Daniel was helping Seth, who tried charging John, but Daniel held him back as well.

" Dean, do you know were Jade is?" John asked. he looked scared and broken. he didn't know if he would ever see his daughter ever again, and i couldn't blame him. John promised Jade he would make sure nothing happened to her, and now she was missing. i had to tell him.

" when we were fighting the usos, Randy came down and took Jade out of the ring, i checked the parking lot, his car is gone. i'm sorry John." i said.

" That bastard!" John yelled, flipping the coffee table.

" We'll find her John, i promise." i said, trying to calm him down.

" wait a minute," Seth said, looking around the locker room, " were's Roman?"

Roman POV.

i woke up in a storage closet. nice hiding place for a body, huh? i got up and ran to my locker room.

" guys!" i said, bursting through the door, they all looked up at me in surprise.

" where the fuck have you been!" John yelled.

" i got knocked out before our match." i said, putting my hands up in defense.

" oh, well thanks to you, Randy fucking Orton stole my daughter!" John yelled again.

" ya, well he knocked me out John!" i yelled back, " you think i wouldn't have saved Jade if i could?" 

John went from angry, to ashamed. he sat on the couch and put his head in his hands. " i'm sorry Roman, i shouldn't be blaming you." he said sadly.

" it's OK John, your stressed out, but we will find her." i said, sitting down beside him.

" who's we?" he asked.

" you, Daniel, Seth, Dean and I." i said.

" oh no," Seth said, putting his hands up and backing up towards the door, " you leave me out of this." 

" oh no, your helping," i said, walking towards him, " or do i have to tell John and Mr.McMahon the truth?" 

Seth POV.

no, Roman wouldn't.  he wouldn't tell everyone i hurt her, would he? i had no choice.

" OK fine, i'll help." i said, sighing.

" wait, what truth?" John asked. shit. 

" we'll talk about that later, right now, we have to figure out where Randy took Jade." roman said. thank god.

" well, Randy could've took her to her to her old house, the old arcade, or her old school." John said.

" how do you know that?" i asked.

" Randy was always asking questions about Jade, we are in her hometown, maybe he took her to one of her favourite places." John admitted. i completely forgot Jade was from Montreal. 

" OK, where to first?" Dean asked.

" the school, it's only a ten minute drive from here." John said. we all hopped into John's car, and drove off. i gotta admit, a part of me was hoping Jade was OK.

Hello amazing readers! here is chapter six. what do you think is gonna happen with Jade, will the guys save her in time?

why does Seth suddenly  care for Jade?

is it about keeping his job, or something more?

will John ever give Dean his blessing to date Jade?

comment and let me know what you think.

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