chapter four : making amends

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Jade POV.

I started packing my stuff so I could head off to the hotel after RAW was over. I would leave now, but John and Nikki both had matches later.

I still didn't know what I was going to do about this whole shield situation. All I knew is I couldn't let Dean take the blame for what happened.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I was shocked when I opened it.

There stood Dean, dressed in a tuxedo carrying a bouquet of red and purple roses. He looked at me and smiled. " May I come in?" He asked 

" Sure." I was dumb founded. I never thought i'd ever see Dean get dressed up and bring a girl flowers. Ever. 

" Jade, I know i'm probably the last person you wanna see right now, but I had to know if you would forgive me, and I need you to know that i'm not the one who attacked you." Dean said, handing me the flowers.

" I know you didn't attack me Dean. and I appreciate the apology and the flowers." I said, putting the flowers on the table next to me.

" You do?" he asked.

" Ya, I heard Seth and Roman talking when they were outside my dressing room door. I still don't understand why Seth would attack me." I said

" I don't either, but right now you need to come with me." Dean said grabbing my arm and pulling  me out of the locker room.

" Whoa, wait a minute, where?" I asked.

" Mr.McMahon's's office." he said 

" Why?" I was still confused.

" Because Mr.McMahon is going to fire me unless I get some proof it wasn't me who hurt you." he said sadly.

" Oh my god." I said. can't believe Dean could lose his job because of me. " Don't worry, I won't let that happen, I promise." I said, looking into his eyes. I gave him a quick smile before I  walked into Mr.McMahon's's office, he looked up at me surprised.

" Is there something that you need help you with, Jade?" Mr. McMahon asked.

" Yes, actually there is." I said, " you can't fire Dean, he's not the one who hurt me, Seth was.

" Oh really," he said, "What makes you so sure?"

" I heard him and Roman talking awhile ago. He mentioned that he wanted Dean to look bad so he'd stay away from me." I said.

" Really?" he asked surprised. " let me make a call a couple of camera men, and see if they got any of that conversation. I'll call you back if i find anything OK?" he said. 

"OK, thanks Mr.McMahon." I said walking out of the office.

Dean POV.

Jade had been in there a good 15, 20 minutes. I hope it's going better than I think it is. I was just freaking out inside. What if he didn't believe her? What if he convinces her not to believe me anymore? All of a sudden, the door swings open, snapping me out of my thoughts. Jade walks out, smiling. 

" So how'd it go?" I ask, leaning against the wall. 

" Stop playing it cool Ambrose, I know you were freaking out." She laughed.

" OK you got me, but seriously how'd it go?"

" It went really well, he's looking over some camera footage to see if they got anything." She said, still smiling. 

" Really? " I asked , " so I can keep my job?"

She laughed, " Yes, Dean, you can keep your job."  I went from freaking petrified, to freaking estatic! I picked Jade up and spun her around. I can't believe she did this for me, she really is 'wwe's golden girl'.  

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