Chapter 4

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We walked in sprinkles of the chilly rain.
"Do you remember when we crossed the river and it started pouring?" James said after a few minutes of an awkward silent walk towards my house.

"Yeah, the bridge got washed out and Liam was freaking out cause we lost Crystal." I chuckled remembering when I became best friends with Crystal.

"Then Liam and I somehow got across the river but you and Crystal got stuck on the other side." James started laughing.

"And when the rain final died down and Crystal stopped screaming like a banshee. We saw that the we had actually had made it back onto pack lands."

The simple story had more meaning laced in it. It defined our friendship. When we got home six hours after we were suppose to be back, drenched, and teary eyed everyone had questions. We had no answers. We had ran to far and got chased by rouges. We ran into the river for them to lose our scent but how we got back on pack land was still a mystery. Nobody but the 4 of us knew what happened. And looking back it was one of the many stupid stunts we pulled as children.

"We had a good childhood" James chuckled.

"Yeah we did" I say smiling fondly. " And I know what you are doing"

"Yeah and what is that" he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

" Bringing up that night specifically. The night when we first thought that we where mates. " I say offhandedly. As we continue walking the rain picks its pace up and it starts to pour.

We get to my front door which lucky was under a porch and I pull my keys out to unlock the front door.
" I'm sorry" James says again for like the 50th time that night. And apparently that got on my last nerve cause I snapped.
"Sorry for what exactly" I blurt out dropping the keys. " Sorry for what happened in the hallway on my first day of middle school! Sorry for not saying bye to me when I left for college but instead had you tongue down her throat! Sorry for ruining my night at the club and almost killing my friend! SORRY FOR ONLY SEEMING TO GIVE A SHIT WHEN ALL YOU LITTLE FRIENDS GOT ALL MATED UP! SORRY FOR NOT TALKING TO ME FOR 15 YEARS BUT SHOWING UP EVERY TIME IT LOOKED LIKE I HAD A BOYFRIEND! STOP ME WHEN YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT YOUR SORRY FOR! OR ARE YOU SORRY CAUSE YOU TOLD HER THAT I WOULDN'T GIVE IT UP SO SHE GAVE YOU...."

"ENOUGH" he bellows before I can continue. It was clear he didn't like being yelled at but he was going to hear what I had to say. I was about to continue when he started.
" I'm sorry that I embarrassed you in middle school, I'm sorry that I made you feel like she was important, I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't care for you, I'm sorry I didn't stop and think that kissing her wouldn't effect you, I'm sorry that I made you feel like you didn't matter. I'm just sorry. I want you to not hate me for all the stupid things an adolescent airhead little boy did. I want you to forgive me because you are my mate and I don't want you to hate me. I want you... no I need you to know how sorry I am because you are the only living thing on this earth that I want. And if I could find better words than sorry to say to you I would" he finishes in a huff.

At some point during his speech he grabbed my hands and was now staring into my eyes. This calmed me down which then in turn made me angry because a life time of mess was not going to be fixed one night with one apology. I snatched my hands from his with a lot of protest from my wolf. I bend down and pick up my keys. I turn around and unlock the door. I want to be cold hearted and walk in and close the door but it's raining it's cold and I would feel bad if he had to walk all the way back to his parents in what is about to be a thunderstorm.

I sigh "This does not mean that I forgive you. In fact it just means that I am thinking about forgiving you. Come inside and you can sleep in the guest room."  With that I walked in to the house leading him in.

I lead him to the room and show him the bathroom. " If you want me to wash your clothes place outside the bedroom dorm I'm about to put on a load" I say as I leave the room.
As I walked to my room I refused refused to turn around. I keep walking reminding myself that I am mad and I will stay mad. I walk into my bedroom and change out of my wet clothes into a robe. I gather the clothes that I wanted to have washed and I had to the laundry room. Picking his clothes up as I walk my the guest room. Well at least he learned to listen I chuckle to myself as put the clothes into the washer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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