"I'm going out to look for Isaac" I reply nonchalantly

"Um, no you're not. It's not safe remember" he told me very matter of factly

"If it's not safe for me then it's not safe for Isaac either" I say bluntly, walking outside towards the preserve to start my search before Stiles can get another word in


I get to the preserve and look around the parking grounds for any sign that Isaac might be here, but of course, I find nothing

"Dammit Isaac, where are you?" I think to myself, my inner wolf whines loudly at my lost pack member

"D-Derek?" I hear a small voice call from a few feet in front of me in the woods, and I swear I've heard this voice before but it's not Isaac's

"Who's there? Reveal yourself" I say in my alpha voice, partly shifted

A few seconds later a figure comes out from the shadows and it's... Jackson?

"Jackson is that really you?" I question a little wary

He shivers and nods "It's me"

"I thought you were in London with Danny" I state, because honestly that's the last place I remember him being

When I state this he starts to cry. Yes actually cry

"I was but.." he tries to tell me but his sobs cut him off

"But what Jackson, what happened?" I urge him to tell me

"It's Danny... he..." he tries again

"Jackson, I know you're upset but I need you to tell me what the hell is going on. I'm looking for Isaac" I sigh starting to have enough of this

"DANNY'S DEAD! The hunters killed him in Paris!" he says

My mouth hangs open in utter disbelief,. Why would anyone kill Danny of all people?

"You said hunters did this? Do you know why they did or who they were?" I ask him

"I don't know who they were but they did it because I wouldn't tell them where you are and they punished me by killing my best friend" he sobs

Of course they were after me

"Jackson, have you seen Isaac? I'm pretty sure he ran out here a while ago when I got mad at him" I say rubbing the side of my stomach, the stress of all of this starting to get to me

"No, I haven't seen him. I did see what appeared to be a wolf or something run by about twenty minutes ago, however, could that of been him?" he says

"Most definitely! Which way did he go?" I turn and call out to him hoping he hears me "ISAAC?! ISAAC WHERE ARE YOU DAMMIT?!"

"Derek, I think there's something you should know" he admits

"What?" I urge him to go on

"The hunters that killed Danny? I'm pretty sure they followed me here to Beacon Hills and are camped out somewhere here in the Preserve" he sighs

With that I shift and take off full tilt deeper into the preserve to look for Isaac, not caring that I'm six months pregnant and about to go down not only fighting for my own life but also my baby's, Isaac's and Stiles's


I run for about fifteen minutes before I come to a clearing and I feel the temperature instantly drop, but I don't see anything

"Their hideout is hidden and warded so there's no smell Derek, trust me" Jackson says sneaking up behind me

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I hiss at him

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