"Whatever." I mumbled, pulling away from Malc and smirking back to him, walking off to class. 

"Are you really trying out for the X-Factor in a few weeks?" Someone asked, and I looked over to see it was Priss Pot herself, looking at Malik. He nodded, glaring at me from across the room. I gave him a sickly sweet smile, completely pissing him off. 

I've known Malik since we were in young, and I couldn't stand him then either. The first time I met him, I apparently whacked him a good one, right across the face. Ever since then, we'd had this litlte rivalry that the entire town knew about, and no one really was happy with it. We got in fights pretty often, and I had been expelled, along with him, twice already from schools.

The teachers didn't appreciate our little spats. Well, it seemed as if no one enjoyed them nearly as much as Malik and I, anyway. It was complicated, and no matter how much I hate the boy, and oh, I hate that boy, I had to admit he had a bit of a talent for singing. But, it was mutual, just like our hatred. 

I knew that if he got on X-Factor and made it, he would never let me live it down. An idea sprouted in my mind, and I stood up, walking directly out of class and down the corridor, pulling my mobile out and calling my mum. She was at work, so I had no idea if she was going to reply.

"Morning Mum!" I said, grinning at the air as I leaned onto the wall.

 "Lexi, what have you done this time?" Mum questioned, making me snicker.

"Nothing too horrible. Just walked out of... Math? I think? Anyway. I wanted to try out for X-Factor." I said, informing her rather than asking. She knows that even if she didn't want me to, I would anyway.

"Alright. But please, don't get expelled or suspended until then, okay?"

"Alright Mum. Have a nice rest of the day. Love you." I said, smiling. 

 "Love you too darling." She sighed back, ending the call. I loved my mum to death, I was a complete softy when it came to her. 


Yes, the Bad Babe of Bradford was a totally Mummy's girl. Well, from what i heard, so was the "Bad boy of Bradford." Malik honestly wasn't that bad, he was only bad when I came into the picture. I think the only times he's ever been in trouble is when I irritated him too much, which I was fine with, I always found it hysterical when he got in trouble.

"Ms. Bradley, are you planning on going back to class?" Our head teached said, and I shrugged.

"Maybe. I was thinking about going outside for a smoke first." I said, smirking at him. He looked very flustered, and even thought it was my last year here, I had no idea what his name was.

"Ms. Bradley!" He attempted scolding, and I rolled my eyes. I tugged my leather jacket off my tan arms, slinging it over my shoulder as I walked away, heading towards the doors.

"Ms. Bradley, I have to tell you that if you walk out those doors you'll have detention!" 

"Alright then. See you tomorrow afternoon!" I called, waving behind me as I headed out to find my motorbike. I sat on it, pulling the dark helmet over my hair, starting the bike and grinning.



I sat straight up, the annoying sound of my alarm going off beside me. I slammed my fist on it, probably breaking it. Ruth was going to murder me. It was the fifth one I've breaking in the past two weeks.

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