Our Best Friends' Wedding Day = The Beginning Of Our Love Story

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It was a big day for Luna's best friend, Nina, tomorrow. She's getting married to Gastón. She couldn't be more excited for her. It was going to be a day full of joy. They went over the last details at rehearsal dinner. They went over the schedule. Luna was happy that her friend was going to get married to the love of her life, so she didn't want anything to ruin it. That's why she never complaint about who she had to walk down the aisle with. It was Gastón's best friend Matteo. She should have known that this was going to happen because he was the best man and she was the maid of honor. It was bound to happen.

She never really liked Matteo. But she never said anything about it. They went over everything at the dinner. Even over the best man's speech. Of course it was full of bad jokes just like the groom asked. She wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Then it was finally over and they all went to bed early so that everyone would be wide awake when the day came. Nina stayed over at Luna's apartment and Gastón at Matteo's. Nina was a believer of all the superstitious tales that have been told about weddings. So she made sure that her fiancé won't see her until she walked down the aisle. The ceremony was at 10 in the morning and there were a lot of preparations to go through before it would start, like make-up, hair, clothes. It took hours to get everyone ready. So they had to get up early. Of course, Luna was full of energy early in the morning. She was super happy and she jumped up and down from excitement.

Nina took the longest to get ready, it was a pretty complicated dress to put on. The bridesmaid's dress on the contrary was a lot simpler. When they were finally done, it was almost time to go to the church and they try to go as fast as they can and they all stepped in the old-timer cars that Gastón and Nina booked. They got their half an hour before the ceremony started. They had plenty of time to check all the remaining details. Everything seems to be okay.

At that moment, all the groomsmen walked into the room where the priest usually gets ready for church celebrations. That's where Nina and the bridesmaids were waiting for their cue. Gastón was already standing in front of the church. It was the time for the bridesmaids and the groomsmen to walk down the aisle.

Luna didn't take the time to look at the groomsmen because she was too nervous about the possibility of tripping over her own feet. But when she took the time to breathe properly, she gave Matteo a look to see what he looks like. Suddenly, she forgot how to breathe. Because she was surprised by his appearance. He looked very handsome, it was the first time she noticed his beauty. She felt somewhat attracted to him all of a sudden. It was weird and she didn't think twice about it because she thought that it was the tension of this wedding and not about the possibility of having feelings for him. She didn't even want that.

Before she could remind herself that it was their turn, she told him: "My best friend is getting married to your best friend and we have to walk down the aisle together, I remember never really liking you but you look so good in this, wow."

Matteo had to smile sincerely because of her comment: "Thank you. I got to admit that I thought I was going to be the most beautiful person today, next to Nina and Gastón of course, but I was wrong. You're the most beautiful person today."

She couldn't help but smile at his remark, she had to admit that she felt some butterflies floating around in her stomach. "Thank you."

They exchanged some looks full of love until they were interrupted by one of the bridesmaids, Jim: "Okay, I think that's enough love birds. Back to reality. We have a wedding to attend."

That brought them back to reality and Matteo put his arm out so she could hook her arm into his. They walked down the aisle, Luna kept looking at her feet to keep herself from falling but she felt Matteo supporting her to make sure that she wouldn't fall. Besides that, he couldn't keep his eyes away from her. The entire walk, he only looked at her and he was happy that she didn't notice. If she did, he had some serious explaining to do.

The wedding ceremony was over and everyone drove to the location of the reception and the bride and groom were in one old-timer and the maid of honor and the best man were in the other old-timer. Now that Matteo thought about it, he was sure that Gastón and Nina did this on purpose.

At the reception, they watched the newlyweds do the first dance. Luna looked happy at the couple. That's when Matteo suddenly had a great idea. He put his hand out to Luna and asked: "Would you like to have this dance with me?" he put on a flirty smile to convince her.

She took his hand and didn't say a word. They just walked up onto the dancefloor. They slow danced together. They forgot about the rest of the world and only had eyes for each other. In the end, Luna was happy she got to walk down the aisle with him. He helped her from falling down and he made sure that she was okay and felt comfortable because she was very nervous all day long. Every time she was about to have a tiny panic attack, he calmed her down. Today was the first day she saw him in a different light. She saw him as more than just an annoying friend. She couldn't deny it anymore, but she decided to keep for herself a little while longer so that she could savor all the feelings he made her feel and she hoped deep inside of her that he felt the same way. But that was a worry for another day. Now she had to make sure that this day went smoothly and would be perfect for her best friend. Because they were celebrating Nina and Gastón and not Luna and Matteo, she had to keep that in mind.

lutteoficweek july 2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora