Could I?

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Scott's POV

The pack had managed to fight off the rouges but they escaped, both of our sides were badly injured and focused in hiding and healing. A few hours after the encounter we had made it back to the pack house, Derek carried stiles here as there wasnt room in his jeep, kira and melia were put in the back of the jeep and i had driven them here. Issac joined Derek , carrying lydia back. As soon as i got in i called deaton, we had offered him a place in the house as our emecerry but he felt more at home elsewhere. He got here before derek amd issac and set to work checking my wounds. I caller my mother, she set off to meet us at the house, we needed a human specialists too.

When derek and Issac arrived they placed stiles on one of the long couches and lydia on the coffee table. Derek crouched next to stiles and kept taking his pain. Once i was checked and healing i rushed to kira, i grabbed her hand and shares her pain, she was hurting but thanks to derek she'd live.

Just then my mother burst through the front door and ran over to lydia and stiles, she helped lydia first as stiles had derek taking his pain. After about 30 mins, my mother had helped lydia and was next to derek checking stiles's bresthing. Deaton had patched up me, kira and melia, both were still unconcious though, as he called derek over i followed them into the kitchen, i had to ask deaton about derek.

Derek's POV

Deaton began by washing down my chest as i stood near the sink, the floor was covered in a light red mix of water and blood. We were explaining the outcome of the attack to deaton. As he placed a clear liquid over my wounds i reached the point where i had felt my inner rage return, i felt my eyes glow red when i saw stiles thrown aside after nearly dying. Something about that little idiot had hit me, seeing him limply crash into the wall. I took seconds to build up into a fire, a fire burning so harshly it lit up my eyes with its red rage. But how was i ment to explain this to deaton and scott, i was an alpha but so was scott, i didnt want to leave the pack, they were like family. Id frozen for a good ten seconds before deaton asked "and what happened then, how are any of you still alive?"

"Derek saved us all, he must have come concious and seen the pack dying, he stood and growled, thats when we caught sight of this" scott explained, gesturing to me.

"Caught sight of?" Deaton pressed, now staring at me as he stiched a gash on my arm.

I was nervous to say the least. I was ment to be the one who didnt care but i cared about this pack, i didnt want to have to fight scott for it or leave and start a new one else where. I did nothing for a few seconds so scott brought me back to the world "show him derek". I had to.

The fire inside built quickly again, i lent my head back, let it fill me then snapped my head forward again, bearing teeth and my crimson eyes. Deaton stumbled backwards, suprised and stared at scott. Scott flashed his red eyes, letting deaton know he too was still an alpha.

At this point kira had come back around aswell as stiles and lydia. Stiles, being ever nosy came to the kitchen weakly and issac followed behind him. They saw me show deaton i was again an alpha and so issac annouced their arrival by joining the conversation "so whos the alpha of this pack" Issac said.

"Well derek in a way did exactly what scott did, his fire came from seeing the pack in trouble, not from killing the other alpha" deaton explained "had he killed the other alpha he wouldnt be a part of this pack anymore, hed own the rouge pack"

"But im still here, scotts growl still triggered my reactions when i was rescuing stiles" derek added "what does that mean"

"Thank you derek" stiles threw in before deaton began another explaination. I avoided his eyes and gave but a little nod of acknowledgement. I wasnt sure it was all the pack that made my spark apparent, more just a single person. I had to try avoid him a bit now, i didnt know what it was but something about him gave me power. It could be dangerous, id have to keep it to myself until i knew.

"Well there is a chance that a pack can have more than one alpha but its rare and it normally only occurs with identical twins, like if ethan and aiden hadnt killed the whole pack, they would have both been alphas" deaton explained " but it is also possible between you two,as scott is a born leader and protector of all people he sees innocent, but Derek is a leader of family, of pack, he has the role of almost protector of the pack and the teritory of the pack while scott is more of an alpha who tries to make the pack happy and find new memebers ect"

"So we have two alphas or were split into two packs or what?" Came Issacs simple voice.

"Im trying to explain that the pack is big enough for two alphas that play diffrent roles" deaton explained " the pack is made of scott, derek, peter, stiles, lydia, melia, issac, liam, mason , corey, mr argent is too a part of the pack, me as your emecerry and miss McCall has become a part of the pack, the healer." He continues to further explain " thats a large pack of 13 people, a pack that big is hard for scott to look after, build, care for and protect. Naturally the role of the alpha is split into two as it seems, scott being the carer and builder, while derek is the teacher and protector"

" so were both alphas of this pack" i ask.


Derek's POV

Deaton had finished healing me around 10pm and was as worn out as we were, especially with the new alpha sharing situation so he stayed the night, as did scotts mother. The pack went to bed around the same time, melia hadnt come round yet so we left her on the couch with a note explaining the basics if she woke up.

The next morning i woke up to the buzzing of my phone alarm, my body ached and felt tight, but looking down, everything had healed. I rolled out of bed and slowly dressed myself before going down stairs, its was 10 am and most of the pack was awake. Scott and issac were filling in lydia and melia on the events of last night while Melissa was in the kitchen prepairing what smelt like bacon.

Walking to the kitchen i called "Melissa, thank you for tmsaving stiles and lydia", she turns to me and smiles.

"Stiles would be dead if you hadn't taken his pain, his body was giving in because of the pain" she explianed " you taking most of it allowed him to hold in there, you saved him".

Her words woukd have made me somewhat happy on any other day, but with this awkward feeling i had about stiles i meerly nodded and began to wash the pots shes used.
I couldnt help but think about the feeling i had before the rage settled and turned my eyes red again. It was a fizz in my heart when i saw him hit the wall, i sad feeling seeped in after and festerd into the rage that birthed my spark.

I felt this before with Paige, but not this strongly. I thought i was being stupid but i couldn't fight the thoughts, had i come to be an alpha through affection? For stiles? Id know thought wouldnt i? If i felt for the boy? Id know i was gay, id know i had feelings for him? Wouldn't i?

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