Chapter 6

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As the school bell chimed, the students bustled out of their classes and into the hallways of the school. A crowd of backpacks, chinos, snap-backs and books all hurried towards the cafeteria, pushing to get in line for the break time 20 minute break before having to go back into class for their next lessons.

Amongst the crowd was Nessie and Elliot, an art student-friend who doubled as her assistant when she was writing, he was one of few who knew she was a famous YouTube musician. A bit of a nerd, Elliot held a bit of a torch for Nessa but after several suggestions of a date and still no positive response, he’d given into her request that they just remain friends.

“Thanks for helping with that last ending, Elliot, I’m feeling a lot better about it now.” Nessie thanked.

“No problem Ness, I’m here to help. Are we still on for tonight with me coming over to film your next video?” Elliot asked eagerly. Also a whizz with computers and filming technology, he was Nessa’s trusted producer when it came to filming and uploading her music videos onto YouTube.

“If it still okay with you, that would be great. Seph is going to be out at an interview for the afternoon so we’ll be able to get it done with no interruptions,” Nessie continued.

“Great, we’ll go straight after college ends then, yeah?”

“That’s great, see you then Elliot,” Nessie said before she was swept away by the crowd.

Pulling out of the swath of people, Nessa turned and started walking towards the common room. Juggling her art folder and bags, she pushed open the door with her foot and walked in. Taking a seat on the sofa, she dropped her stuff onto the floor before standing back up and approaching the kitchen area. Boling a kettle of water, she pulled out a her mug from the cupboard saying ‘Alright Guv’nor’ and poured herself a giant cup of steaming tea with two sugars and milk. Taking a sip, she almost spat it back out when someone pinched her sides.

“What in the hell?” She coughed in surprise, turning around into the cheeky grin of Sephie.

“Oops, sorry, I though your hands were empty,” Sephie said apologetically.

“Oh yeah,” Nessie said, and flicked her in the forehead.

“Ow! No need for violence, it was Marnie’s idea as well,” Sephie said, pointing her thumb over in Marnie and Sky’s direction, who both, once noticed, waved back over.

“Remind me that I need to flick her as well,” Nessie said.

“So, how was class?” Sephie asked, towing behind Nessa after collecting a bourbon and bottle of water from the fridge for herself.

“Okay, I need to tweak the bridge but after that I think it’ll be ready to hand it in to Mr Myers and finish up my coursework for this assessment.” Nessie replied, taking another, more wary sip of her tea.

“Was the weird one with the creepy crush there too?” Sephie asked, pulling apart her bourbon and licking off the chocolate icing in the middle.

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