Chapter 4

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Maths period two, everyone’s hated lesson, started shortly after 9:45. Bustling into the classroom, the hordes of students pushed and shoved their way to their desks, grabbed out their books and turned to their partners, starting up a conversation on the latest American Idol episode or what their plans were for the weekend.

Pushing her fringe into place of her forehead, Sky opened her pencil case and jotted down the date, title and aim.

“What are your plans for Saturday, Bandy?” Nicholas Harrison asked, throwing himself into the seat next to Sky. “If you’re not busy, I’ve got a pair of tickets for that Harry Potter re-showing down at Cisco Movie theatre?”

Nicholas or ‘Nicky’ was one of Sky’s oldest friends. A smart guy studying Physics, Maths and Geography, he was as gifted academically as he was at sweet-talking every female this side of Western America. ‘Bandy’, Nicholas’ nickname for Sky, sprung from her love of band music ranging from You Me at Six to Blink-182. A childhood friend from the age of 5, the two had been next-door neighbours and best friends ever since a trip to the swimming pool involving one pushing the other in, resulting in both being strong protesters of anything water-related.

Although a serial ladies-man, known throughout the school for his endless locker-supply of condoms and Victoria’s Secret underwear souvenirs, nothing had ever happened between Nick and Sky. Despite Nick’s efforts at trying to trick the hoodied band-fan into a date, she always ended it with a ‘just-friends’ hand shake. Due to his past history and their friendship, the messiness that came with Sky’s certain-it-would-happen breakup scenario was just not worth losing their relationship for, even with the rumours that he was brilliant in bed.

“Sure, I’ve wanted to go to that ever since they announced the rerun down at the Union Square shopping centre,” Sky smiled over at him.

“Then that’s settled. The movie is at 2:15 so if you want we can grab some lunch before and then head over to the movie theatre for the showing?” Nicholas looked hopefully in Sky’s direction. Even if nothing was going on between them, he enjoyed hanging out with one of his best girl-mates and going to see the odd movie together, especially Harry Potter.

One of the main things they had bonded over was their love of the famed wizard and Hogwarts School, both becoming die-hard HP fans after reading the books and collecting as many souvenirs as possible. Many a Sunday afternoon had been spent re-enacting scenes from all 7 stories and having trivia quizzes to test their knowledge of the glasses-wearing fated one and he-who-must-not-be-named.

“Yeah that sounds good. Me and the girls are going to a concert later that evening but as long as were done by around 5:00, I should be good time wise,” Sky continued.

“Yeah, that’s cool. What concert are you going to?”

“The ComeBrothers concert in the Chinatown Marks-Academy.” Sky replied.

“Sorry... did you just say ComeBrothers?” Nick asked, trying to shield his helpless grin from her serious expression.

“Yes, Nicky, I just said ComeBrothers and were not going into it anymore than we need to, okay?” Sky said, using his hated nickname only she was able to get away with using.

“Okay, come down, Shorty, I was just saying. But yeah, I’ve never heard of them before, are they big or just starting out?” Being the shortest in the group out of Sephie and Marnie, who were generally at a similar height, and Nessie who was an inch or two taller at around 5’8, Sky had earned the nickname ‘Shorty’ due to her height. Not that much smaller though, she didn’t put up with the name for long before someone got hurt and only let Nick say it on occasions.

“What have I told you about the ‘Shorty’ thing? And yeah, this is more or less their first big break so it’ll be really good to hear them live for the first time,” Sky replied.

“I’ve learned to limit how much I say ‘Shorty’ but it’s cute and I like it so you’re going to have to deal. But cool, its sounds like fun but just be careful. Those kinds of gigs can always be dodgy, especially with unknown bands and with all the moshing and drinking, I get a bit worried for you, that’s all,” Nick said gently.

“I know but you know I’ll be careful. I’ve done this kind of thing before and come out of it alive and well, and this time shouldn’t be any different. Plus, I signed up for the ‘Meet and greet’ the band before the concert and, although I haven’t gotten a reply yet, I’m feeling lucky about my chances.” Sky said.

“Cool, well I wish you luck with the Meet and whatever you were just saying and just to finish my little overprotective lecture, watch those band-types okay? Those rockers and band member are always a little weird and you shouldn’t trust them. You’re a gorgeous member of the female half of the world and some shits might try to take advantage of you, and you don’t want me having to go to prison because I was trying to protect your honour, do you?” Nick said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her to his side.

“No, Nicky, I wouldn’t, and I promise I’ll be on my best behaviour, Sir!” Sky saluted him, and laughing along, Nick saluted back.

“At ease soldier,” Nick said, kissing her cheek.

Blushing a little, Sky turned back to the class and picked up her pen.

“Morning, class, today we’ll be learning about simultaneous equations and using inverse operations with algebra,” Ms McDonalds informed, swanning into the maths room as if she wasn’t already 5 minutes late. “Charlie, can you come and solve the equation on the board and write all the workings out written, I presume, already in your book.”

Picking himself up from his chair with a sigh, Charlie slowed his way to the front of the class. Shaking her head in sympathy, Sky returned to her workings out, seeing Charlie’s empty page and sent up a little prayer for him.

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