Chapter 1

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Vanessa Cole growled angrily at her phone as it buzzed from yet another call from her anxious mother. Glaring at the glowing screen, she clicked ignore and rolled over onto her back. Pushing her hair out of her face and rubbing her eyes in exhaustion, she stretched her arms into the air and wriggled up into a sitting position. Throwing the duvet off her pyjamed body, she dawdled into the bathroom and yawned into the mirror, assessing her sleep-slackened face.

“Christ.” She mouthed at the mirror before reaching for a wet wipe and started stroking it under her mascara smudged eyes. Stripping off her pyjamas, she slipped into the shower and washed her long, curly mane, climbed back out again and into a warm, fluffy towel.

Walking back into her bedroom, she drew the curtains and opened her suitcase. Although having lived at apartment 12C at Melrose Place, Oakwell Avenue for a month, she still hadn’t gotten round to unpack all her stuff from her various boxes and cases. Pulling out her favourite pair of Aztec-style patterned leggings, red button-up collared shirt and woolly cardigan, she donned her clothes and slipped on her favourite pair of black creepers.

Picking up the brush from her dressing table, she began brushing her dark mane into order. Combing her hair into a middle parting, she left the rest out and applied a light coating of mascara to her lashes and thin eyeliner to her lids. Satisfied, she pulled up short and braced herself as she walked along the corridor and into the lair of her close friend and roommate, Sephie.

“Seph... Seph...” She whispered gently, poking a lump under the flowery duvet. No signs of life showing, she poked harder and what she assumed was the head of the beast as the bum downwards was dangling of the side of the bed. “Sephie, wake up...”

“Fuck... off...” The lump groaned tiredly, rolling back over to face the wall.

“Bit harsh, Seph,” Nessie said, then grabbed the blow horn and pressed red button.

“HHHHOOOONNNNNKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!” Bellowed the horn.

“Ffffffuuuuuccccckkkkkk!!!!!!” yelled Sephie as she leaped out of her nest and stormed towards Nessie. “What the hell was that for?!” 

“We planned that was going to be your wake-up call if you didn’t come round to consciousness after me waking you,” explained Nessie, holding the horn in front of her, threatening to blow it again if Sephie came any closer. “I was only doing what we’d arranged.”

“Yeah, well, maybe we can arrange to do something that doesn’t damage my ears so bloody much!”

“God, you’re not in the best moods in the morning, are you?” Nessie smirked, folding her arms and tucking the horn safely in her elbows.

“No, but then most mornings, I’m stuck with the wake-up call from hell! Next time, shake me a little and if that doesn’t work, switch the lights on and throw the duvet off me. That usually solves the problem!” Sephie said, folding her own arms.

“Fine, but if you swear again, the horn is coming out! Now get dressed, I’m making toast and then we’ve got to move it,” Nessie called, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. Poking her head back round the door, she said, “Oh, and by the way, I used all the hot water so your shower might be a little cold.” Dodging the pillow flying her way, she jogged back down the couple of steps to the lower floor and into the kitchen, humming the chorus to Papa Roach’s ‘Last Resort’ as she went.

Emerging from the freezing shower whilst drying off her soaked hair, Sephie stepped into her bedroom and surveyed the mess. Grabbing the duvet, she flung it upwards and smoothed it back down onto her mattress. She then grabbed her pillows and fluffed them before drawing the curtains and yanking open her closet. Chucking her favourite flowery waist-skirts, braided belt, lacy white top and pink blazer, she shoved them on and slipped on her precious leather flats. Blow-drying her hair, she took extra care straightening her box fringe and forcing the long, red tresses into a messy bun. Applying mascara, foundation and a tad of light pink gloss to her lips, she grabbed her bag and keys and almost tripped down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen with a fast-paced spring in her step, she threw her arms around Nessie and hugged her.

“Good morning!” She smiled and grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard.

“You’re in a better mood,” Nessie commented, smiling back at Sephie whilst spreading a gooey layer of strawberry jam onto two slices of toast.

“It’s amazing what being soaked in arctic water can do to a person. Apple or orange juice?” Sephie asked, opening the fridge and glancing back at Nessie.

“Orange, please.” Nessie sliced the toast in half and passed it to Sephie as they swapped plate for glass. Sipping her orange juice, Nessie said, “What’s the plan for today, you still job searching?”

“Straight after college, I’m off down the job centre. I prefer an internship, for experience you know? But it looks like I’ll have to get a waitressing gig,” Sephie said, chewing on a mouthful of toast.

“About that, it’s probably nothing but I picked up a flyer from a friend of mine yesterday about an internship opportunity down at the local newspaper. It’s nothing big but I thought, if you wanted, it might__”

“Oh My God! Are you serious?!” Sephie screamed, tossing down her half-eaten slice and wrapping her arms around Nessie again. “I can’t believe this! It’s amazing; this is just the type of gig I’ve been looking for! Thank you, Ness, thank you!”

Patting her on the back, a smiling Nessie moved away and put the glasses into the sink before going over to her bag and pulling out the flyer. Handing it to Sephie, she said, “It might not be what you’re looking for exactly but I remember how interested you are in becoming a journalist and thought you might find this a good opportunity. The interviews are started yesterday and are continuing today at 4:00 so you’ll want to head down there straight after we get out.”

Sephie folded over the flyer and put it into her bag before grabbing Nessie in a fierce hug again. “Thank you, this is the best news ever, I owe you one,” Sephie said again. Once she’d finished her toast, Sephie rinsed the dishes and stacked them on the rack to dry.

Running back upstairs, Nessie and Sephie brushed their teeth, did one last make-up check, picked up their helmets by the door and ran down the three flights of steps to reach the entrance to their apartment. Jogging round the block to the parking lot behind the building, Sephie took out her keys and unlocked the chain from around her moped wheel.

“Who is going to steal your moped? Be honest, who in their right minds would high-jack one of these when they’ve a Mercedes just across the lot,” Nessie said, jerking her thumb in the direction of the navy blue car, parked against the wall.

“This moped is my baby. She’s a beaut and anyone would be lucky to have her,” Sephie argued. “Of course, if you don’t think she’s worthy of stealing then maybe you’d fancy walking to school?!”

“I don’t think so. I made you toast, you give me a lift!” Nessie smiled, pulling of her helmet and climbing onto the back seat.

“I don’t know why I let you get away with it,” Sephie said, shaking her helmeted head at her friend and straddling the front of the moped. Inserting the keys, she revved the engine and pulled the bike out of its space and onto the road.

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