Chapter 10: Feelings

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[Your POV]

"Alexander don't run so fast!" I called as Alexander ran dragging me along with his leash.

I finally managed to get him to settle down and sat on a nearby bench, "Gah... I didn't think you'd be such a handful..." I muttered.

"Woof!" He barked and I sighed, why does he have to be so cute? I scratched his ears as he started making small noises in his enjoyment.

"Good boy... Such a good boy." I smiled. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Wruff wruff!"

"I take that as a yes." I said with a shrug as we walked back to campus together.


"(Y/N)-(Y/N)'s back yayyyy!" Reiji exclaimed and hugged me after I had finished settling Alexander back in his doghouse.

"Reiji-kun I'm covered in dog fur!" I exclaimed and pushed him off, "Anyway where's Myucchi?" I asked.

"Ehhh. (Y/N)-(Y/N) has a nickname for Myu-chan now???" Reiji asked.

"It's a 50% chance that they are dating." Ai pointed out. "Signs of nicknames, fondness of the other individual, and always wondering where they are/what they are doing concludes to dating. Or being boyfriend and girlfriend."

"No way (Y/N) could fall in love with that freezy haired dolt. He's not even attractive in a sense." Ranmaru pointed out, "Not like I care if they are actually dating..." He mumbled.

I blushed slightly, "It's not like that..." I mumbled.

"Really? Why are you blushing huh?" Reiji asked and I glared at him.

"Since when did you get so pushy Reiji-kun?" I asked annoyed and he pouted.

"Because I want little (Y/N)-(Y/N)'s and Myu-chan's running all over the place..." That made me flush red as I smacked his head hard.

"H-how idiotic can you get?! We're not even together!" I exclaimed and Reiji-kun pouted even more.

"(Y/N)-(Y/N)... That huuuurt." He whined.

"Stop being a baby Reiji and deal with it yourself like a real man." Ranmaru retorted and I sighed in relief. One less sentence to say.

"Mm... Then can RanRan take care of me??" He asked then thrusted himself into Ranmaru's arms and snuggled into his chest, "Pleaseee???"

"Tch. Whatever. We'll be going then." Ranmaru stood up with Reiji still in his arms and walked to his room. Leaving me and Ai alone.

"So (Y/N). My data says you're showing extremely obvious signs of liking Camus." He said simply as I sighed and sat on one of the couches.

"Won't you just drop it already?" I asked desperate for this topic to disappear.

"No. My reason isn't entirely like Reiji's. Love is something nonexistent in my data. I have recently been watching a few romance movies to add some itinerary to it but I would find it interesting to observe love from a distance for myself." Ai-kun shrugged.

"Ehh. Well too bad because I don't like Myucchi. I don't think he likes me either so don't expect anything to happen Ai-kun." I said before leaving the room.


[Camus' POV]

"Ehh. Well too bad because I don't like Myucchi. I don't think he likes me either so don't expect anything to happen Ai-kun." (Y/N) then exits the room. Why do I feel so... Rejected? Is this normal? Agh, why am I even listening to her private conversations with my other groupmates?

"Camus you know she didn't mean that right? There was insecurity in her eyes." Mikaze said as I jumped in surprise. "I saw you from the first moment you entered. You know it's quite rude to listen in on a conversation. Or perhaps you do have feelings for (Y/N)."

The possibility shook me, me? In love with... Her? No way... Sure she's kind, sweet, caring and surely Alexander likes her but. Ah, what am I even saying? There is no way she would like me back. Especially since I told her to forget about that kiss. Even I haven't been able to forget. For some reason my face still heats up when it's mentioned which gladly hasn't happened yet.

"Whatever Mikaze." I mumbled and retreated into my room.

I entered my shared room with Aijima and sighed. My face was red and for some reason my heart was throbbing awfully fast.

Perhaps you do have feelings for (Y/N).

No. Impossible... Right?

"E-eh! Camus-senpai? You're back earlier than I expected. I did my assignment though. Here." He handed me the report I had told him to write on why he wanted to be an idol, I didn't expect him to do it. I just stood there staring at the paper as I tried to gain control of myself then Aijima smirked at me, "You're blushing. Why? Is it about (Y/N)?"

I glared at him then snatched the paper out of his hands, "My personal affairs do not concern you Aijima!"

He then smiled before sitting down, "Aww come on. Maybe I can help you! You seem to be awfully confused after all."

"Ugh, whatever. I have nothing to lose anyways." I sighed.

"Glad that you realized that! Anyway what's your problem with (Y/N)? I mean, she's great." I look at Aijima who has a smile on his face and I sigh.

"So what if I told you... That I had taken (Y/N) to a carnival and when I dropped her back off to the dorms I kissed her." Aijima just sat there in shock, "And a day after that I had asked her to accompany me to a café where I basically told her to forget about the entire thing..."

"But you keep thinking about the kiss hmm?" He predicted and I nodded. "Well the answer's pretty simple actually. You kiss her, you can't stop thinking about the kiss and her. You like her. Simple."

I like her?


"I said that out loud didn't I?" I groaned as he nodded.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrow.


"Aren't you going to tell her you like her?" He asked.

"Maybe... Someday." I mumbled and then stood up and went to my side of the room.




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