Chapter 5: Alexander

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[Your POV]

"Welcome back to the agency (Y/N)." Saotome-san smiled while my heart silently suffocated itself. This again. This horrible feeling of becoming something again. I never should have come back.

"You may go. You can take the day off to cool yourself down and settle in maybe. Maybe visit the park or something." Saotome-san waved me off and I exited quickly without saying anything.

Thankfully, none of the QUARTET NIGHT members were in the building so I decided to do what Saotome advised and visited the park.


"Sigh..." I inhaled the air and felt so free from everything. The world didn't have a grudge against me in that moment.

"Woah!!" A girl ran up to me and stared at me straight in the face, "Your (Y/N) Urihara aren't you?!" She asked. "Like the super legendary idol!!!"

"Um... Thank you I suppose..." I shrugged before looking away, I really don't like these kinds of people. The ones who interrupt your private moments.

"C-can I take a picture?" She asked.

"Um... I don't think that's the best thing to do right now..." I mumbled and she nodded.

"Oh! Yeah, those scandals you were in. I never believed them for one second because your way too great to stoop that low!" She said.

"You actually... Didn't listen to them?" I asked. Surprised. Everyone listened to the rumors nowadays.

"Well yeah, don't you think that one about you leaking information to Raging Entertainement just because Nagi is one of your distant family members is utterly unbelievable! And way too far fetched for a person like you." She shrugged before smiling.

"Well... Aren't you interesting. OK, I'll let you have a picture with me just promise not to send it to anyone or leak it to the public OK?" I asked.

"Well of course! I only planned on making it the wallpaper on my phone so that condition is fine by me." She said.

"Ok, great." We took a picture together, she thanked me and ran off. It wasn't actually that bad. As risky as it is I trusted the girl and since I'm part of the agency now if something happens they'll take care of it.

I sat down on my usual bench and brought out my book to read. I was reading for about 30 minutes before I saw this awkward white mass making it's way to me.

All of a sudden the white mass stopped right in front of me and barked. "Woof!"

I stared at it, it had a somewhat slim form but it looked very regal. That got me thinking of Camus, could Camus own a dog? No, maybe not. I shouldn't even be thinking about him.

"Woof!" It barked again before coming forward and nuzzling my leg.

"Aww... Hehe, your fur is so soft." I said before petting his head gently.

"Bark!" It barked once before licking my hand.

"Aww your so cute!!" I smiled before scratching his ears.

"Wruff wruff!!" It's tail wagged from the love of sensation.

"Hehe, so cute. What's your name huh?" I asked crouching down to the height of the dog.

It showed me it's chest which heald a dog tag which read 'Alexander' in a refined script. "Alexander huh?" I asked the dog and he barked.

"Well then Alexander, I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you. Where's your owner?" I asked him, he seems like a smart dog anyway.

He simply shook his head as if saying no and I raised my eyebrow. "But what if your owner's looking for you right now?"

"Wruff!" I sighed, if only I could speak dog.

"Well then Alexander. I suppose you can hang with me for awhile." I smiled and rubbed his head.

"Woof!" He barked but all of a sudden he pointed his nose to the air and looked at me before running off.

"H-hey wait!" I ran after him but he jumped over one of the park fences before I could come after him so I stopped there and just hoped he had returned to his owner.


A/N: I'm actually working on a Cecil x Reader now so I'm just finishing the next three chapters on this story so that I can start on chapter one.



If Only You Knew (Camus X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora