I nodded understandingly as I made my way towards the door. I looked back at him before stepping in. The inside was messy, really messy. It was old and dusty, like the Neibolt house, and even then I'd prefer to stay in Neibolt. But I knew better now than to go against Penny's wishes so I complied.

"It's nice" I lied as I heard Penny enter the trailer behind me. He didn't say anything, instead he looked towards the mess.

"Safer" he said. My heart jumped at the word. I knew I'd be safer from the outside world if Penny was keeping an eye on me at all times, but would I be safe from Penny?

"I'll fix it up a bit, make it feel like home" I said as I turned to face him. He looked at me before giving me a slight nod and then walking out of the messy trailer. I sighed heavily as I looked at the clutter.

"I'll make it feel like home" I said with an aching heart.

"I have to go back to my apartment" I told Penny as he sat down on his stage. His back was facing me as his shoulders slumped.

"I have to get some of my belongings to you know, survive?" I said sounding a bit angry. I bit my tongue when I realized the tone of my voice. I told myself to stop being so stubborn and snappy. I didn't want to go through a whole fight again.

"No, I'll go" he said. I almost laughed at his offer. He would have no idea what was what but I agreed reluctantly.

"I made a list" I said as I handed him an old piece of paper I was able to find. He looked at me before walking off, not taking the paper. I sighed in frustration but didn't argue against him. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I saw him disappear into the tunnels, and it was hours before I saw him again.

I was finishing up by dusting off anything and everything in the trailer, sneezing my head off as I did. I didn't plan to stay here long, I was going to go back to my apartment when it was safe again.

I sat down in the rusty chair, sighing in exhaustion. I looked up as I heard the trailer door open. I saw Penny walk in, with a bunch of items in his hands. I wondered how he was able to hold all of that. I got up, making my way towards him.

"Oh you did good" I said as I realized he had brought me some pretty useful things. He had multiple clothes, candles, and blankets in his arms. I was surprised to see he was able to match my shoes to one another.

He sat the stuff down on the mattress I was able to move into the trailer earlier that day. I spread a blanket over it, to keep me warm. I folded my clothes, organizing it where ever I could. I lit up the various candles he brought me, he seemed to have taken notice from my apartment before. I loved candles.

The trailer was dimly lit, and it seemed quite cozy now. It began to smell better as the different aromas filled the air due to the candles.

"Do you like it?" I asked as I let my hands slap against my legs. I looked around at the semi clean room, feeling a little less stressed now that the clutter was gone.

"I had to kill like 100 spiders" I said as I looked towards him. He gave me a tight smile.

"Well I'm tired" I said with a big yawn. He blinked at me before stepping out. He was being so cold and distant, the same reason we had gotten into an argument before. I made my way towards the bed, flopping onto it. Even thought I was exhausted, I couldn't sleep. I wanted him to sleep next to me, the way he used to.

I tossed and turned for what felt like hours. I finally sat up, frustrated. I debated on wether to go look for him but I decided against it. I fell back onto the mattress. It wasn't my bed. I wanted my bed, my home, my room. I felt lonely, even with Penny around. Maybe I could run out of here and go back home with mom. If I didn't have penny, there was no point of me being here. Just as I was thinking this my phone began to ring.

I looked down at it and read Rebecas name on the screen. I answered it hurriedly, whispering into the phone.

"Hey" I said trying to sound casual.

"Omg! Omg thank god you're okay! I heard! I heard everything! Where are you? Where are you?!" She asked, gasping over the phone.

"I'm fine, just a bit shaken up" I lied. I was dying internally but was trying to play it cool. I pulled down the blinds on the window slightly, trying to locate Penny. I wanted to make sure he wasn't hearing me. When I didn't see anything, I made my way back to the bed.

"You're staying with me" Rebeca said sternly.

"Where are you? I'm picking you up" she said. I bit my lip, ready to argue against her. I sighed heavily.

"Meet me at the bus stop on Neibolt street" I said, my heart pounding against my chest. She agreed to pick me up, hanging up immediately in order to get into her car.

I knew I was dumb for trying to leave, but Penny wasn't the same anymore and if I couldn't have him, I didn't want be around him because being around him was just distant memories of what we used to be. My heart ached too much and I needed to relieve the pain.

I put my sneakers on, grabbing a random coat. I grabbed one of the candles to light the way but put it down when I realized it would attract too much attention. I slowly made my way out of the trailer, trying not to make too much noise.

I made my way towards the entrance of the tunnel, looking around every 2 seconds, scared penny would see me. I held my phone tightly in my hand, my other hand grabbing my coat anxiously. I continued to walk, and sighed in relief when I reached the tunnel.

I walked through the darkness of the tunnel, praying I wouldn't get lost but my prayers weren't heard. 5 minutes in, I found myself in the middle of a maze, not knowing where to go. I felt like I was going to cry, my only option now was to call for Penny and risk him ripping me apart for trying to escape once again.

I backed up against a wall, hyperventilating. I didn't even notice the smell anymore, I was too scared out of my mind. I looked down at my phone when it began to ring. It was Rebeca calling once again. I muted it. She continued to call and I realized this was the only way out now. I answered it with shaky hands.

"Reb-" I began to say before I heard something I dreaded to hear. A deep growl. I dropped my phone at the sound, scared out of my mind.

I looked forward, my legs shaking.

Deep down the tunnel I saw what I was fearing the most at the moment.

Golden eyes looking directly at me.

Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now