Chapter 3: Beginning A New

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                     "I'll never saw him and when I did he was drunk and hitting me." Misty said. She then pulled out another cigarette, "Want one?" Misty asked. "No, I don't wish to intoxicate my body with several deadly chemicals and poisons." Marlton said with disgust. "Yeah don't start at 15 like me.......I was always hanging around with my boyfriend stealing shit, getting into fist fights, and smoking dope cause that's what he did and he was all I had. My brother would always beat me up when we were growing up and dad wasn't around to do anything." Misty says as she takes a heavy puff of her cigarette. "When I was 17 my dad and brother died in a car wreck together, dad was drunk of course, so I lived with my boyfriend and he got caught stealing a car so I went back to the farm I grew up in and stayed there smoking pot everyday until all this shit went down." Misty said. "Sounds like a rough childhood." Marlton said lowering his gun a little. "Yeah it fucking sucked, nobody liked me, nobody would listen to me when I was sad and lonely, boyfriend didn't care about me just wanted my weed and money." Misty said with a chuckle. "Should've just killed me, I probably would've been better off if you did so." Misty said taking a puff and exhaling a sigh. "..... I uhh.. I... Was picked on a lot in school, almost everyday, got depressed and suicidal." Marlton said nervously. "Well shit look at us a couple of sad sons of bitches with no purpose in life." Misty said taking another puff of her cigarette. "........I.... I guess....... I'm a better person now though." Marlton said proudly. "Hey Marlton." Misty said while Marlton looked back at her. "Thanks for listening." Misty said. "Sure....." Marlton said sadly. "I'm gunna go, it was nice to meet you." Misty then took led last puff of her cigarette, stood up and threw it on the ground stepping on it and walking out the door. Marlton watched as she walked out the door, he then turned around and realized she left her shotgun and decided that she was trustworthy and he could give it back to her. Misty was walking along the road back into the foggy street when marlton ran out the door. "Hey! Wait Misty!" Marlton yelled. Misty turned around to see Marlton running towards her with her shotgun. "Here take this you'll need it." Marlton said handing her shotgun back to her. Misty looked at Marlton and stared at him, she realized he was the kind of nice people she needed in his life, she gave him a smile and took back her shotgun. "Thanks uhh... Umm Marlton." Misty said looking at his eyes. "No problem stay safe." Marlton said. Misty then looked away and walked further into the foggy road. Marlton felt sorry for Misty and wished there was something he could do to help this poor lonely woman. He then realized that maybe she was trustworthy enough to have at the body shop and could be helpful asset. "Misty! Wait!" Marlton yelled out. Misty turned around and looked back at him "Yeah?!" She asked. "I don't think you should be all alone, you've been alone all your life, why don't we stick together maybe and help each other survive, you can sleep in the diner if you'd like!" Marlton yelled out. Misty was silent and shocked at what Marlton had to offer. "Uhhh.....I... Are you sure Marlton?" Misty asked. "Uhh.... Yeah.... I think I trust you enough." Marlton said. Misty was very happy that she had someone that cared about her. She then ran towards Marlton and hugged him. Marlton was very sensitive to contact with others and feared it with the knowledge of germs and diseases. "Thank you so much Marley!" Misty then let Marlton go she then walked away from him and towards the diner. Marlton was shocked by Misty hugging him when earlier she was hitting him in the face he was still very cautious and yet worried about his decision of trusting Misty considering that he's had trust betrayed from his past of bullying through all of his years in school and college. Misty made her way into the diner and put her shotgun in one of the booths she decided to take a nap in one of the booths next to it she leaned up against the glass and lowered her cap so it would cover her eyes. Marlton made his way back to the body shop and began working on another contraption he had made out of a mannequin, fan and tail. After a long day of work he then decides to go to sleep in the back. The next day Misty wakes from her sleep she had a sore neck. "Damn, awful sleep last night" misty said to herself. "Guess I could go say hi I mean does seem like a nice guy I guess, let me stay here" Misty said. Misty then walks over to the bodyshop and opens the door. "Uhh hello?" Misty says aloud. "You in here dude?" Misty said. Marlton had worked all night last night working on a device he planned to use to electricity. "Uh..... What.... Oh Misty, sorry" Marlton said while waking up from his desk. "Hey uh ..... Marley right?" Misty asked. "Marlton" he said while putting his glasses on. "Well I'm gunna call you Marley" Misty said. "It's quite rude to not properly pronounce someone's birth name" Marlton said crossing his arms. "Ugh cmon dude loosen up a little" Misty said rolling her eyes. "Well you most definitely are from the outskirts of here aren't you" Marlton asked. "So fucking what I told you about my past I'm a little rough around the edges." Misty said. "Perhaps but there's no way you change who you are." Marlton said. "........I guess." Misty said while she shrugged. "I might need your helping finding food later" Marlton said. "There's a whole bunch of food in the diner ya know" Misty said. "Right, but now that there's two of us our insatiable hunger will go twice as fast rather than me solo" Marlton said. "Well when the time comes I'll pull my weight" Misty said. "I'm going out for a smoke" Misty said walking out the door. Marlton then began to work on his project. "Now to continue my works on this new turbine devise and maybe I can use it on that strange machine in the diner, definitely not a jukebox" Marlton said to himself while working. Misty was smoking when she looked out in the distance, thinking to herself about her farm that wasn't to far away, she then put her cigarette out and walked back in to talk to Marlton. "Now I just need to tighten this last screw on the fan and ta da! I've got myself a turbine" Marlton said while finishing. He powers up the machine and the turbine begins to work blowing a power electric wind out of its fans. "Haha! I'm so smart" Marlton said looking at his project. "The hell is that Marley?" Misty asked. "That malady is a turbine" Marlton said proudly. "What are you gonna do with that shit?" Misty asked. "Where gunna go get some food" Marlton said. "We still have lots at the diner" misty said confused. "Perhaps but it couldn't hurt getting some and have some more time to work on my other contraptions." Marlton said. "So where are we going?" Misty asked. "Downtown." Marlton said. "Well hell that's probably a full day's walk." Misty said. "Not with this beauty!!" Marlton said raising the turbine in the air. "You see that bus outside? We're gonna use it" Marlton said proudly.

Farm girl and Shy nerd (Misty x Marlton)Where stories live. Discover now