Car ride home..

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I'm listening to Draco sing along to Lifehouses "Broken." And it's actually not even that bad, when suddenly he stops.

"Cynthia.. What if your parents don't like me? Would you break up with me?" He asks from the drivers seat, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously.

"Oh don't you worry babe. They'll love you. I'm just like my mom and obviously I like you." I laugh, putting my hand on his leg, hopefully in a comforting way.

He nods and then continues to sing along to the next song that comes on.

~~~~~~Time skip to arriving at house~~~~~~

Draco helps me get out of the car and then we walk up to where my parents are waiting for us. It's been a few months since Ive seen them and decided to go back to my hometown of London and see them. Draco offered to drive me, so he could meet them as well.

"Hey okay, so. I'll get everything out of the car, you go in and spend some family time with your mom and dad." He says, taking my hand and kissing me on the cheek.

"No, I'll just make my brothers get it out. You need to meet the family too!" I shout excitedly. We make it up to my mom and dad and I give them both big hugs. My dad and Draco shake hands and my mom pulls him in for a hug. It takes him a second to respond because he's surprised. He quickly returns the embrace though and a big smile erupts on my face.

"Alright! Let's go inside and catch up!" I usher everyone inside, mostly so we wouldn't have to wait outside in the cold winter air. It's nice for Christmas, which is in a couple days, but it's not nice to stand outside in.

We talk about our adventures in Manchester and they tell us what's been up lately in London. Eventually my brother bring everything from my car in and we decide to all open a gift from each other early.

Jake, my older brother gave me and fluffy fox blanket. Aaron, my younger brother gave me a beautiful crystal necklace and my parents each gave me a gift card and a recipe book.

"Aww thanks you guys! I love it all." I take turns hugging them each. I look over at Draco and see he's quite nervous looking.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask him, putting my hand on his arm. He looks at my dad and from the corner of my eye I see him give Draco a thumbs up. What's going on?

All of a sudden Draco gets down on one knee and protrudes a box from his pocket. He opens it and reveals a beautiful ring. "Cynthia, will you marry me? I've been talking to your parents for awhile now and I decided it was finally time.."

"Yes yes of course!" I shout, a few years forming. He stands up and I give him a big kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Malfoy.

514 words in total. V proud of this chapter. Draco's a sneaky turdnugget, isn't he? Anywho hope you guys have a good weekend. I have Friday off of school too so yay. Byee.

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