kaksikymmentäseitsemän ♠

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"to jaehyun!"

as the sound of glasses clinking arose and was deafening, the model, which was the centre of attention, was already sipping his glass of champagne in a calm way.

tonight was jaehyun's leaving do and taeyong couldn't help but feel his heart sink a little more than before. his boyfriend's departure was getting closer with each day passing, and with each hour passing he was realizing that, soon or later, he won't be by his side anymore, that he will be left alone once again.

the man with black hair loudly sighed, looking at his glass filled to the brim with some golden and sparkling liquid. he didn't feel like neither drinking nor partying tonight. he would have preferred to stay in bed, enjoying their remaining time together rather than sitting on a chair a few meters away from him.

the squawkings of the women present in the room was incessant, they were enthralled by the blond man and were praising him way too much, it reminded the photographer how popular the model was with the other employees. why did he choose him over anybody else? deep down inside him the question remained, tormenting him every single day and it made him possessive and jealous, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"we are going to miss our jaehyunnie so much!"

a mocking grin spread over taeyong's face and he let out an unpleasant laugh, he succeeded in getting his lover's attention. he thought this nickname was silly and unsuitable, jaehyun was everything but cute to him.

he was staring at his hands when the sound of a spoon hitting against a glass made him lift his head up.

jaehyun was standing up, his back straight and his eyes scanning across the room, looking at each guest's face. he was perfect as always : his white shirt was immaculate and wrinkleless, his chic shoes were perfectly polished and no strand of hair was misbehaving. he looked at taeyong for a little while longer before flashing him a killer smile, then he cleared his throat, he seemed kind of embarassed by all the attention :

"today is my last day in this agency... here, i met a lot of people : friends, mentors and...others. i will miss you all with no exceptions and think about every single one of you everyday."

an embarrased laugh escaped him :

"i'm going to miss one person in particular, i wish i could take him in my suitcase but unfortunately, i can't."

taeyong started to blush like crazy when he felt the eyes of his boyfriend shamelessly staring at him in front of their colleagues. he nervously wriggled in his padded chair while the other one continued his speech :

"i would like to ask you not to let him alone...but also not to take advantage of my absence to harm him."

jaehyun looked over at yuta -who crashed the party without an invitation- with so much disdain that the latter turned his head away before gulping down his champagne flute :

"with that, i wish you all well."

he did a 90 degrees bow acknowledging the applauses then moved towards the exit. before walking through the door he crooked his index finger for the black haired man to follow him. after standing up and apologizing to those who were sitting at his table, he jogged out of the room clumsily.

he was welcomed by plunged into darkness empty hall. where was he? uneasy and a little bit scared he tried to find his bearings in the dark. at a corner of a corridor someone jumped on him, making him squeal like a girl. a body pressed against his and pushed him against the wall, the scent of jaehyun's cologne invaded his senses :

"jealous much?

-e-excuse me?

-your face when the hairdressers were talking to me was expressing possessivity, it was a bit cheeky baby."

cheeks burning red, taeyong didn't try to justify himself and stayed silent as he wrapped his arms around the taller man's waist, seeking comfort. a huge and hot hand started to tenderly stroke his hair. the silence reigned, we could only hear them breathe calmly and regularly. the sound of the parting of moist lips and an inhalation broke it and small after, a voice spoke, almost whispering :

"i didn't see you drink a drop of champagne tonight, why's that kitten?"

"kitten" lifted his head up in order to face jaehyun, barely seeing him in the almost complete obscurity of the place :

"i'm not in the mood for a party tonight, and...


softly, he took possession of the mouth of the boy in front of him, kissing him gently. he licked his lips in order to lap and to taste the light taste of champagne mixed with his saliva. after pulling back, his face was just a few centimeters away, he whispered :

"i think it tastes better this way."

jaehyun placed a hand on his lower back, bringing him a little bit closer before putting his lips back over his and giving him a spectacular kiss. while taeyong was still feeling dizzy, he quietly whispered into his ear, to make sure only him could hear it :

"good honey, you can taste it as much as you wish."


i'm so so so sorry for disappearing for over a month like this, a lot happened and i needed time for myself -to think. i hope everybody is okay and that you all spent a good month and a fun halloween.

personally i'm okay now, i turned 17 and had the chance to travel, it took my mind off things and helped me a lot, it helped me post again and come back on wattpad.

i'll make sure this never happens again... i wish you a great day or night, kisses

PS : thank you for 6,4k views, 560 votes and 309 comments.... thanks a lot.

li(n)ked | markhyuck ; jaeyong ; jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now