An Interview With Zoe

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♥Name: Zoe

♥How long have you been writing?: Over four years

♥What's the best story you've ever read?: A story called Loslotha by a user named OldSoul

♥What's the first story you've written?: I can't remember the first story I've written, but the first I've posted on here and finished is called Lost to Lovely

♥Would you like to get published one day?: Yes, I'm already writing a children's book that I'm planning on getting published soon.

♥What genre are you best at?: Fantasy

♥What's the current story you are working on?: A story called Once Bitten, but it's in progress and the first chapter hasn't been posted. But I recently started another story called Pinned Butterflies

♥Link to story:

♥Any words of advice to the readers?: To readers, nobody appreciates it when you leave behind feedback and expect something in return. To anyone writing something, keep on writing and don't let anyone hold you back.

To read her story, click the external link over there!--------->

Her Story is called: Pinned Butterflies

Summary: Not available

Review: I can't really describe this story, other then its ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!

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