An Interview With Alli

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♥Name: Alli

♥How long have you been writing: I wrote my first story when I was four; I started just creating dialog and my mom, who had been listening, wrote down what I said. I really took an interest to it, though, in about fourth grade. I wrote my first complete story in sixth grade.

♥What's the best story you've ever read: It's very easy for me to love a story, so I don't really know. I love the Hunger Games Trilogy, The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells, the Hush, Hush series, Tuck Everlasting, The Giver, and everything by Nicholas Sparks.

♥What's the first story you've written: The first story I've written was about a horse race; titled "The Great Race." (I know...original right?) I wrote it when I was maybe seven or eight.

♥Would you like to get published one day: I have so many dreams and desires for the future, but being a published, hopefully a best-selling author, is at the top of the list. I've wanted it for so long.

♥What genre are you best at: I would't say I'm best at anything, but in my own opinion, I'm probably best at romance, teen fiction, and fantasy.

♥What's the current story you are working on: I'm currently working on two stories; one called "Six-Foot-Three" and the other called "Falling Through."

♥Link to story: (This one is my main focus as of now)

♥Any words of advice to the readers?: Expand and Improve. Expanding your horizon, starting with the stories you read, gives you a broader understanding of the writing world and how things go. Also, always try to improve. Take all the advice you can get, especially from your peers. Though they may be wrong sometimes when they are telling you to fix grammar issues, they are your best bet for discovering how your story reads and if it would appeal to a population. And always, no matter what, keep WRITTING. :)

To read her story, click the external link over there!---->

Her story is called: Falling Through

Summary: "Mom and dad wouldn’t care,” I huffed. “They never care about anything I do.” I trailed off. I felt tears of rage fill my eyes and the bile of umbrage crawl up into my throat. If they didn’t care, why should I? I mentally argued with myself until I heard Maddy honking the horn of the Pinto outside. As I strolled to the front door, I decided I didn’t need to care anymore, since no one else did anyways.

Review: Wow, this is amazing! Her prologue was very hooking, and immediately caught my eye after I started reading. She is a talented young writer,and I know that she will go far! It's dramatic, and hectic, just like a teenagers life! It's very hooking and I could not stop reading, truly this is a very wonderful story.

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