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Darin's POV

Darin was waiting at the corner store waiting for Raymond to meet him there. Now, Darin and Raymond have been secretly dating each other for about a year. Even though Darin is out of the closet at their school, Raymond is still thought of as straight.

When Darin saw his boyfriend walking towards him with his friends he smiled. Because Raymond usually ditches his friends to hang out with him.

"Hey Darin," Jonathan, Raymond's friend said.

"Hey Jonathan," Darin said politely.

"Uh Raymond, did you want to go to subway for our study session," Darin asked. He saw how Raymond's eyes show a glint of sadness. But even though he was sad, not because he didn't like subway. They get it all the time, but he was upset with himself because he is to scared to come out.

Raymond's friends left and they were alone.

As they walked to subway holding each other's hands Raymond decided to say something, "Uhh listen Darin..I'm sorry that I haven't come out yet. It's just that I just don't want to be picked on like how I used to be," Raymond said looking down at their entwined fingers. Darin knew that Raymond used to get picked on because he told him. But as much as Darin wanted to be an open couple he wanted Raymond to be happy so he just said, "Okay."

And the couple hung out the rest of the day like usual.

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