“It’s my job.” He said and turned his gaze towards me. “Why are you looking at me in that way?” He asked.

“No… Reason…” I uttered in a playful tone…

“Oh… let’s go out! My treat!” Yuki suddenly shouted while shifting her gaze to the two of us.

“That’s a great idea Yuki-chan!” *o*

“You go ahead.”

“ehhhh… Ai-Ai is such a kill joy…” =3=

“Come on Mikaze-senpai… please.” Yuki pleaded.

“Yeah, senpai…” I emphasized senpai. He looked at us and let out a sigh.

“Okay.”He agreed. Now I know what’s that glitch he’s talking about. Yuki jumped cheerfully and shouted, “I’ll go get the others.” She ran out.

I looked at Ai with a huge grin in my face…

“I think I know what’s your problem…”


“You should discover it for yourself.” =3=  he didn’t push the answer out of me… Ai is just so boring >^<

“Does she know that you’re a-…”


“When are you planning to tell?”

“Why does she have to know?” 

Yuki’s love for Ai is quite obvious… that’s why.

“Because, if not she’ll-…” I stopped. I smiled at him. “Nothing Ai-ai…”

Yuki’s POV

In the end it’s only me, Mikaze, Reiji, Syo, and Natsuki. The others are busy. I let out a sigh. No need to be sad. I’ll just enjoy this even if it’s only the 5 of us.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked them.


We went to Tokyo Disney land- three out of five votes. It’s really quite obvious who voted. Me, Natsuki and Reiji ^_^v. The other two don’t stand a chance.

I’m wearing brown shorts, orange hoodie, and my sneakers. Oh yeah, and sun-glasses just in case.

We arrived at Tokyo Disneyland and we bought a 1-day passport for all 5 of us. As I said, my treat.

Upon entering, my childishness within me came out. I’m feeling a bit agitated and I want to pull them to all of the rides that I want.

“Let’s start there!” I shouted as I pointed at a mountain with an open hole and water falls through it.

“No water!” Syo shouted. “I don’t want to get wet!” he reasoned and I pouted.

“Fine! Then there!” I pointed at Gadget’s go coaster.

“No! Definitely no heights!” he shouted again. I grinned. “Natsuki-kun.” I turned to him and smiled.

“Yes!!!” He grabbed Syo and carried him. Syo scurried on top of Natsuki but he couldn’t do a thing.

“I’m going to die! I’m going to die!” Syo keeps on repeating the same sentence. I sat alone on the very front and behind me are Natsuki and Syo, behind them are Mikaze and Reiji.

As the engine started, I can still hear Syo saying the same sentence over and over again. This is so agitating. We’re facing a huge drop and I’m in front.

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