Personal Moment

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 For a while now I've been emotionally exhausted; mind spirit and body. Drained from any sense of creativity I could find inside myself. Even now, as I'm writing this piece I'm gathering up the strength to continue.

I guess you could say that I'm at a point in my life where I feel like I'm at crossroads with myself, between what could be and reality. 

Questioning every move I make and thinking to myself; 

"What the hell am I actually doing?" 

The easiest way to describe this relative feeling, is that its like being lost. Stuck and stranded in the middle of an open ocean of doubt, anxiety and anxiousness not knowing what to do.

I've been lost for so long that it's what I'm used to, kinda like a person who gets used to being beat I suppose. It's not that I like it, quite the opposite. Being lost sucks. There's nothing more lonely, nothing that brings more desolation to the soul. But all I do know is that I've got to keep going. No instructions, no expectations and no hopes.

And whatever it is that I'm wandering towards, it better be good.  

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