I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 4)

Start from the beginning

"Baby, I want to make you happy. The funny thing is, I want more than anything to have a family with you. And if that means adopting Troy, then my answer is yes." Jayden replies as a huge smile stretches across his face.

"Really?" I gasp in surprise.

Jayden nods his head, still smiling and replies "Yes, lets adopt Troy"

I squeal and throw myself at him while placing kisses all over his face muttering "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

I jump off Jayden's lap and race over to my phone. I need to call my father, and ask him if he can handle all the legal stuff. In my haste, my fingers slip and I have to re-dial his number three times.

I start bouncing up and down on my toes as Jayden comes to wrap his arms around me. My father finally answers and in my excitement, I squeal into the phone.

"Alayna?" my father answers groggily.

"Guess what daddy? You would never guess. Im going to be a mom!" I squeal into the phone.

Im so giddy with joy that I start clapping my hands together, unfortunately though my phone is in one of my hands, and I end up hanging up on my father.


I quickly hit redial and he answers immediately and says in a teasing tone "Calm down Alayna. And please don't squeal again."

I take a few deep breaths, mindful not to squeal again, and then say "Jayden and I want to adopt Troy. Isnt that exciting?"

"Alayna" my father replies in a warning tone. Gah! I know that tone. He is going to try and talk me out of it.

"It was your idea!" I say sternly, not giving him a chance to finish.

My father sighs and then adds "Alayna, are you both serious about becoming parents?"

"Yes daddy. We are." I reply confidently.

My father sighs again, and then adds "Baby girl, please don't get your hopes up. I need to do some research about international adoption first."

"Daddy, you're the best lawyer there is. So its practically a done deal." I praise my father.

"Baby girl, there are laws that govern international adoption, so please don't get too excited, in case you get disappointed. I will go into the office in the morning, and find out more" my father replies in a serious tone.

Whats with the negative talk?

"Daddy, I have faith in you. Ooohh, Im so excited." I reply cheerily and then quickly add "Here talk to Jayden. Im going to call Kylie."

"Alayna this ..." my father starts but I don't hear the rest of his rant as I hand the phone over to Jayden.

I then fish out Jayden's phone from his pocket and dial, my best friend, Kylie's number.

"Mmmm" Kylie mumbles as she answers. Ok, maybe I shouldn't wake everyone up back home to share the news with them. But Im just so excited right now.

"Guess what?" I ask excitedly.

"Mmmm" Kylie replies.

"Im going to be a mom" I reply as I start doing my crazy, funky dance.

"Mmmm" Kylie replies.

What I said will soon sink in ... 5..4..3..2..

"What!?!" she screeches into the phone.

I start giggling and say again "Im going to be a mom. Jayden and I are adopting a child"

I hate fakers sequelWhere stories live. Discover now