Chapter 21: The Hospital of Doom

Start from the beginning

"Have you two been sleeping well lately? Any headaches or nausea?"

"Yes, we've been sleeping well. No, we haven't been having any headaches or nausea."

"I see...and have you been seeing anything strange recently?"

" what?"

"Well...Yo-kai for example."

That's oddly specific!

Nate and Katie looked at each other, then they asked,

"Why are you asking?"

The director seemed to freeze for a second, like he hadn't expected them to say that.

"Err...just curious."

When the director looked at a file that Nate and Katie had just noticed he was holding, they quickly glanced at Whisper. He slowly shook his head as he pointed to the hospital director and mouthed,

"Don't trust him."

The hospital director wrote something down on the file, looked up from it, and gave them the kind of smile you would see on someone trying to be charismatic, but lacking the charm that makes it work.

"Well, you two are in need of a change of heart anyway. Please meet me in the operating room."

The hospital director got up from his desk and to their surprise, he went towards the back of the room and disappeared instead of going through the same way they did. Whisper went over to investigate and saw a hole in the wall that lead towards the first floor.

"Okay, we have to get out of here. I was waiting until we were alone to tell you this in case someone was listening, but someone's been watching us and taking notes. I heard someone writing stuff down after each test and I'm not sure if the rest of you heard it or not."

Everyone nodded and confirmed that they had also heard what sounded like someone writing.

"What's with the whole 'change of heart' thing he was talking about and wanting to meet us in the operating room without mentioning calling our parents or something like that?"

"Nate, can you really come up with a good explaination to tell your parents why you were in an abandoned hospital?"

"Well, no. But wouldn't a doctor at least say something like that, considering we're minors and still in elementary school?"

Katie picked up the file left on the desk as Nate and Whisper were discussing the strangeness of the whole stitutation. She was curious about what was in there and her eyes widened as she read the papers. The rest of the group looked over the file and their fear grew larger. There was papers with basic information about each of them, with Nate and Katie's information circled in red with random comments about how they were perfect candiates for...something. The writing started to get unintelligible at that point.

"This can't be good. Let's leave before we get caught up in another fight again!"

Whisper nodded as he lead the way to what they hoped was their freedom.


Blast that white Yo-kai! He just had to be suspicious of me and make things difficult! As soon as I trap those kids, I'll have my workers make quick work of him! Without that Yo-kai around to help them, there's no way they'll be able to defeat me!


As the group descended downwards, they were careful not to attract attention to themselves as they sneaked towards the front doors, only to find them closed. They tried to open the doors, only to find them locked! Memories of the musuem flashed in their minds as they tried to open the doors again. This time, Whisper offered to see if he could open the door from the outside, but when he attempted to phase through the door, he bumped into it much like Nate or Katie would if they had attempted to it themselves.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now