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I do not own Naruto or any of the characters stated.

This story is purely fanmade and does not want to offend anyone at all.

Pssst. Hey you! Yeah, you who isnt a fan of sasuhina at all! Dude you aint gonna need to read this sht. It aint your type.


I've come back. Even after all I did, I'm back.

The silhouette of a person standing on a tree near the where the Hokage is seen busy with papers and scrolls to read can hardly be noticed by anyone at all. Well... He's an Uchiha after all. The last Uchiha at that.

The raven haired boy stayed in the shade of a tall tree, after the war he wandered around the country a bit before deciding to come back. Leaving his old comrades to themselves at what they ought to go about.

It was still early morning and the sun has just rose high, the quarters of the Hokage could be seen from where he was situated at. Stacks of papers almost filled the room as to where the Hokage was seen busy talking to her ANBU. He thought that they weren't much to him since they couldn't notice him at all from where he was, but he oushed the thought aside and waited in the shade. He sees that the Hokage is now alone with her assistant, it's his cue to go. He vanishes from the spot without a sound.

"Well, well, well. You've decided to come visit?" the Hokage says as she leans on her entwined hands, as her honey-colored eyes sight upon what was once the rouge nin. Her assistant first perplexed, but soon notices the raven haired boy standing in front of the Hokage's table." Wha-!"

"... " the Uchiha keeps quiet.

"What can I do for you, Sasuke? Have you decided to come stay now?" Tsunade says, giving a smile.

"... Not really." as he wanders of his eyes to the stacks of papers around the Hokage's desk, thinking thay this is what his old friend wanted. He almost smiled, but only inside.

"Well, let's talk about some matters needed for this first...."

-------- ♀️

I understand what Lady Hokage means, I really do. After all, it would be hard to gain back the people's trust. But must it be that way?! Oh no, I hope I'm not flustered enough for them to notice... Ahhh! Why are Naruto-kun and the others away for a mission right now.

"I hope you understand Hinata. You're the only one I can look to for this matter. Besides, I've sealed a huge amount of his chakra, and I' ve put a jutsu on him where he can't activate his visual prowess if I don't allow it to." Hokage-sama says, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I don't need someone to look after me." the boy beside me states. I look at him from the corner of my eye, I see that he's more of a man now than a boy.

"I-I understand, H-hokage-sama. I will do as you say." I mutter out awkwardly.

"Good!" answers the Hokage cheerily to the flustered Hyuuga.

"So what, we're playing house?" he spat out, annoyed at what was agreed on.

I turn to him, completely angry upon his comment, completely flustered. H-h-h-house?!

"You know why this has to be done. The elders don't trust you yet. You are dismissed." she smiles widely at us both.


The Hokage rented out a place for the rouge nin. It was a house that was left unused for several years. She had the holes repaired and the dust cleaned off to make it suitable for living. The once rouge nin will be staying here, not only him but also the Hyuuga's heiress. They had to make is atleast decent for the both of them.

Meanwhile at the house of the main branch of the Hyuuga, a certain someone has packed her stuff and necessities. After all, she'll be staying there with the Uchiha until the elders' anger has subsided. The thought of her and the Uchiha alone in a house scrambled all over the place. She turned red and was heating due to the thoughts that came to her. After a while, seeing that the sun will be up any moment from now, she picked herself up and while still flustered from the earlier occurence, decided not to think about it too much. She wend bid her farewell to her father and her sister,wishing herself luck along the way.


Light was peeking through the window of a certain room where a certain someone was sleeping. The light made its way to this certain guy's face. He squinted when the rays finally made their way to his closed eyes, inevitably waking him up.

He slowly opens his eyes to adjust to the light of the room. He carefully sat up, groaning and rubbing his temple.

Squinting his eyes more as he searched this unfamiliat room for justice as to why he's here. The room was fairly spacious, enough for a bed, a cabinet and drawer for his belongings, space for him to walk around without bumping around the furniture, and a wall mirror to 'compliment' the room. The walls were painted... Gray? The color has faded due to the years it has not been repainted. But he didn't care anyway.
He looked at through the peeking sunlight through his window.

Hn. He grunted to himself.

He was back at Konoha. But was put under house arrest for a week due to the elders' 'concern' for the people. He neverminded this... 'concern'. He just considered his best friend's suggestion.

To start again, huh. He thinks, but his eyebrows furrow at the still peeking light. He needed blinds for this unforgiving sunlight.

----- ♂️



Comments? Thoughts? It's my first time trying to write one so I would love to hear your feedback, guys.

Thaank you!

ps. Dont be rude I cannot handle my own feelings ;A;

SasuHina is my looove *cries

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