Merlin's castle

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Harry woke in the morning feeling rather bored. He had ages until his birthday, and he had nothing whatsoever to do. In the end, fed up of constant whinging, suggested a trip to Gringotts to look at his vaults again, which Harry agreed to, he loved Gringotts more than he would usually admit- especially the rides in the carts.

When they got down to Merlin's vault, Harry looked at the propertys he posessed.

"Dudley! Look at this!" He exclaimed, "Check it out! I have a few castles... and cottages... around the world!"

"Cool!" Dudley exclaimed, looking over the pictures. "Do you reckon we could visit some of them?"

"I hope so!" Harry grinned. "I want to see the castle... Griphook?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"Would it be possible for us to visit the Merlin Castle?"

"Of course, Mr Potter. Would you like to go now, or at a later date?"

Harry looked at Dudley, slightly unsure. His mother stepped forward.

"Now, please, Mr Griphook." She intoned.

"As you wish. This is your portkey, tap it and say, 'Merlins castle', and you shall be taken there.

The three gathered around the portkey.

"Merlin's castle." And away they went.


The castle grounds spread out before them. They could see acres of land, including a forest and lake spreading out in each direction. The lake was on the left of them, and had a merperson population to rival that of Hogwarts, it also had an equally large squid deep in its depths. The forest stretched out on their right, which, according to the paperwork, had a few cottages in as well as a heard of centaurs. Harry pulled out the map of the property.

"Dudley, looks at this... we have so much space!"

"I know, how cool is this place... Do you recon that we could befriend the centaurs, or wil they resent our presence?"

Lily smiled as she listened to her boys chatting.

Flicking further through, Harry gasped.

"What is it?" Both Dudley and Lily asked together.

"We have one of the largest collections of house elves in the world, none of which have been freed." Harry explained, looking gloomy.

"Well, why not free them? You can say that they can still work here, but that they can leave if they want. or they can go to your other properties." Lily sugested.

"Good idea... urm... house elves?"

Instantly, aproximately 400 house elves popped into existance, all dressed in identical rags.

"Um... Hi... I'm Harry Potter..."

"Master, I am Slinky, head house elf of the castle. We is very pleased to be having a new Master again. We is doig everything we can to keep this castle running well. Dinner is being in half an hour. Does yous have any questions for Slinky?"

"Well, Slinky. We want to know about the cottages in the forest. Are they used, and if so, what for?"

"Well, master. They are not used much now, Master Merlin used to use them for guests and sch like, but they is not been used since Master Merlin died."

"And how many are there?"

"About fifty, it makes up a small village, Master Harry Potter, sir."

"Thank you, Slinky. now I have one more thing to say to you all. i would ike to set you all free..."

A horrified wailing came from he entire population.

"That having been said, I know that you are all amasing workers, so if you would like to stay here, you may do so, or if you want to go to any of my other properties, you may do so. If you want to leave, then feel free."

Slinky handed Harry a piece of parchment.

"Master Harry Potter sir, this will list the name of every house elf, and which ones leave. It also tells you where any of us are at any given time."
"Thank you, but I must ask that none of you reveal anything merlin said or did to anyone who is not me, Dudley- my brother, or Lily- my mum"
A lot of chatter broke out, then 150 of them vanished. Harry noticed that all of them had gone to other properties, not one had quit.
"For the rest of you, you have free rein of the village of cottages in the wood, from the floor plan, I believe that five to a house will suffice. You may do as you please there, but we would like to visit sometimes, for social calls. Is that alright. Slinky, as you are in charge of the castle, I'd like you to appoint a chief for the village."
"Master Harry, you should be choosing, sir."
"No, slinky, you know these elves best, so you should choose a chief."
"Blinky, I think. She is being very nice and fair all of the time."
"Blinky it is then, I will have new uniforms for you all as soon as possible."
All of the elves popped to their village, and Harry was proud with the rescission he made... after all, who needs 400 slaves??

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