{Chapter 1} Mark is.... dead? (The Mayor [Damien] x Reader)

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(Suggested by MorganRowe {Best song for Damien, in my opinion})
I groan as I slowly wake up. That champagne was strong. I struggle to get up, and notice that I slept in my dress. Good thing Mark let's me keep some of my clothes here. Let's hope some of the stuff still fits. (Mark and I played poker often back in the day, I usually would pass out afterwards so he let me stay and keep my stuff in this room.) I grab a black leather jacket, a(n) (F/C) shirt, skinny jeans, and black leather boots. I finally walk out the door, and I see Ben with a drink on a platter.
"Ah, good morning, Miss. Hope you had a wonderful night's rest." He says with a smile. I smile back.
"Thank you, same to you." I reply. Ben picks up the drink.
"I've prepared for you a Seltzer with cocaine." Ben says as he holds out the drink. I turn it down with a smirk.
"Thank you, but I'll pass." I chuckle. "Give it to the Chef, my treat." I say as I wink. Ben laughs.
"Still a trickster, huh (Y/N)? Ok, I'll be on my way." Ben responds then turns and walks off. I look forward to see Damien looking over the railing. I walk over to him, and he turns around with a big grin.
"Ah, there's my little monster! You really knocked 'em dead last night." Damien says as he leans on his cane.
"Was I that bad?" I laugh, resting one hand on my hip. He nods and laughs.
"Yea, haven't seen you go wild like that since our days at university." He says. I laugh at him comparing me to when we get were in university. I was the party animal, I'll admit that.
"Good to let the beast out every once in awhile." I say smiling. I cross my arms and Damien nods, agreeing with me.
"Yea, I should start calling you the Beauty and the Beast." He laughs.
"Hey!" I laugh, lightly punching him in the arm.
"It fits you!" Damien laughs. I snicker.
"I suppose so." I say. "If it weren't for this party I would've been miserable for my first week off." Damien's expression turns confused and suspicious.
"Yea, about that..." He starts. "Mark didn't tell us what we're supposed to be celebrating." It's true, he never told us why we're here.
"It's nice to have everyone here though." I say. Damien nods.
"Yea, but, out of the blue...?" His words trail off. I noticed how confused he was; it wasn't your typical 'what's the answer to this question?' confused, it was something more unreadable. I place my hand on Damien's shoulder.
"Damien, I'm sure everything is fine. Mark just probably missed his old buddies." I say. His expression softens and he smiles. Damien's unreadable expression comes back.
"(Y/N), there's something I need to tell you." Damien says as he gently rests his cane against the railing. My hand falls from his shoulder.
"Yea?" I ask. Damien walks closer and closer. He places his hand on my shoulder.
"Last night, before anyone got drunk, Mark told us what happened with you and Josh, and that he kissed you on the forehead. After that, he confessed that he loved you. We all started talking about you and confessing our feelings for you." Damien whispers in my ear. My eyes slowly widen as he tells me this. I knew Mark loved me but, everyone else??!Damien leans back a bit.
"Except The Chef." He mumbled. I smirk.
"Wanted to save his pride, I bet." I say as I smirk. Damien chuckles before he leans back toward my ear.
"Everyone made a bet-" I cut him off.
"Oh god." I mumbled. Damien softly chuckles in my ear. My heart begins to beat faster just with that.
"Everyone made a bet to see who could kiss you first." He whispers. "Of course it could've been worse if I hadn't said something." Wait what does he mean by- oooooooooh I'm glad he said something now. I chuckle.
"My hero." I say sarcastically as I chuckle. Damien smiles as he pulls my chin up with his two fingers. Oh, I'm not gonna give in this quick or this easy. I look down onto Damien's shoes, and chuckle in my head. Dress shoes, it would be hilarious if he fell for this. I look back at Damien.
"Your shoe is untied." I say with the best poker face I have. His hand loosens from my chin and he looks down. I smirk as I walk around him and grab his cane before he noticed I was gone. When Damien turned to look for me, I smirk.
"Made ya look." I say, he turns to face me, and realizes I got away. I toss the surprisingly light cane toward him. Damien catches it. I twirl and start walking down the stairs.
"You haven't changed one bit, (Y/N). Not one bit!" He calls from over the railing. I look up at him and wink, then I continue walking. I was startled by a sudden scream from the Chef, followed by a thunderclap. It must've been the Seltzer. I rush down to see what happened, (mostly to see if the chef was on a rampage about the Seltzer) and I find some sort of crime scene. Abe, the chef and Ben are standing around it.
"What happened here?" I ask. I realize Damien is standing next to me.
"Miss (Y/N), Mr. Mayor! I'm so sorry, but there's been a murder." Ben says, followed by a thunderclap.
"A murder?" Damien asks. Another thunderclap. "Who?" He asks. The chef looks at him with oh so sorry eyes.
"It's Mark." The Chef says. I feel tears form in my eyes as I bring my hands to my mouth. Just the thought of someone you talked to or had fun with hours before to be dead afterward is... indescribable.
"Is that...?" I barely choke out as I look at Abe. Abe nods.
"I'm afraid he's telling the truth. Mark's been killed." Abe says, his head hanging. The tears start rolling down my face, and I start sobbing. I would've fell to the ground if I didn't feel a hand on my cheek, wiping the tears off my face. I open my eyes to see who it was, all I saw was an outline of a familiar figure. The outline fades and I turn to Damien. His arms are open for a hug, and I almost run into his arms. As I clung onto Damien, I thought. I thought about who could've killed Mark, why they would've killed him, but mostly... who was that? Who was the figure trying to comfort me? It might've been a sentient ghost or spirit of some sort. Damien looks at me with a heartbroken expression, I see tears forming in his eyes. I hug him tighter. There's something about Damien and Abe and all the boys (except the Chef) that makes me feel safe, Mark made me feel the same way.
"(Y/N)? Would you like to help me find who did this?" Abe asks resting his hand on my shoulder. I let go of Damien as I wipe the tears off my face.
"Yes, I want to help." I say, ignoring the fact that I just cried my eyes out.
"Anyway, I believe that the killer is right here amongst us in this very house." Abe explains. "With that freaky lightning storm outside, none of us would get very far anyway. In the meantime, we're stuck here." Abe looks at me with sad yet serious eyes. "We're gonna get to the bottom of this." Abe's eyes show layer upon layer of sorrow. He's crushed seeing me cry like that, I can tell. Abe then scans the faces.
"The rest of you, go to your rooms, bunker down, and pray to God your not next to be murdered." Abe finishes, followed by a thunderclap.
"I'll... I'll check on our other guests." Ben said as he ducks under the caution tape and walks off.
"I'll get back to cooking. All this death made me hungry." The Chef states as he walks off. I turn to Damien who has his cane in both hands with a bewildered face.
"I.... I need to talk to the Colonel about this." He says before turns and walks off to find the Colonel.

(Still taking requests!!! Plz comment)

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