You Meet (Girl)

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It was a normal evening at Kong Studios, Murdoc was passed out in the living room stark naked passed out on the floor surrounded by empty bottles of liqour, when there was a sudden rapid banging at the front door. Murdoc groaned as he sat up rubbing his head and tried to block the noise out. "Stop it banging... STOP it banding!" He growled at the door only to be answered by an even louder baning. Throughly pissed off he stood up and grabbed a random towel wrapping it around his waste before slamming the door open "I said stop it-" and he realised no one was there.
He looked around to try and spot the supposed ding song ditcher bur as he went to take one step out his foot bumped into something. Murdoc then heard a sound that made his blood run cold. A baby's giggles and gurgles.
He knew what this situation was and what was waiting for him when he looked down. He leg out a groan as he looked down at the baby in its basket giggling up at Murdoc. The baby had short and wispy (h/c) locks and stared up at him with bright and joyful (e/c) eyes, and in the basket was a tattered old and faded off-white blanket and a note rested on the basket fastened by a safety pin.

Murdoc hastily looked around like wild try depriately to find who ever left the child and his eyes barely caught a beat-up old Sedan speeding away in the distance. "Oh sweet Satan!..." he groaned as he scooped up the basket and returned to the living room slamming the front door behind him. He slumped down on the couch plopping the basket beside him. He snatched the letter and groaned at its contents. "Crazy chicken! If only I had a clue on who she is..." he grumbled.
The letter read:
'Murdoc you fucking bastard. I fucking told you to us protections and you said you would! Well I got pregnant anyway! I don't got the time to raise no child or money, I gotta save dime to dime to make it as an indie rocker, which you said you would help me kick start if I slept with ya! (Like that narrowed down the pool) Well your careers doing well so you can take the little bastard child!'

He groaned as he crumpled the letter up and tossed it across the room.
"Fuck!" He cursed out again. He heard your gurgling and picked you up a hand under each of your arms and he raised you up to keep you a safe distance from him. However, the blanket that was once wrapped around your small body fell revealing you had no clothes what so ever. Murdoc just stared in silence as your wide eyes stared at him observing the man in front of you in silence.
"Well..." he began after a long moment of silence, "either ya got the smallest willy in the world or your a girl..." to which he was suprised to be meet with your laughter and giggles and you reached your arms out to him, as if you understood his joke.

"Ya? That's funny right? heh heh.." he smirked bringing you in closer to cradle you much to your glee. You reached out to him and grabbed a hold of his satanic cross which dangled from the chain around his neck and giggled gleefully up at him. "Hmmm.... maybe ya aren't SO bad. Ya don't really cry and ya seem to have good sense don't ya?" He said as he rubbed his thumb over his satanic cross in your small hands.

"Uhh... Murdoc?" Said a timid males voice. Murdoc groaned "What's do ya want faceache?" He growled at the eyeless lad as he played with you with his finger letting you grab onto it and try and chew it with your teethless gums.

"Uh... why do yew got a baby?" 2-D asked feeling slightly concerned assuming Murdoc has kidnapped a child for some reason. Murdoc didn't even bother looking up at him but answered him as if it were the most normal thing in the world "Ah, well 'patently I knocked up some bird so she dropped this little brimstone off on the door and made-off. Ah ha ha ha! Ya just love to eat on my finger don't ya?" Murdoc trailed off into warm chuckled as he cooed at you. 2-D was officially freaked out. "Uh... ok... so it got a name?" He asked trying to better understand the situation.

Murdoc groaned and looked around and grabbed a nearby empty bottle of beer and read the label.... "ehhhhh... ya, HER name'll be (y/n) Niccals." (Yes he did just name you after some random beer brand). "So yew keepin' 'er?" The completely confused 2-D asked still not understanding why the satanic is being so affectionate, towards a baby no less.

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