Chapter four

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Chapter four.


I continue to kick Gale in the stomachs legs and chest.

"YOU THINK... THAT YOU CAN LAY ONE HAND ON MY... PEETA!" I scream like a maniac at him. Peeta gets up and stands next to

me with a smug smile. I kneel down next to Gale and start to punch him in the face. That's when Peeta finally pulls me off and carries

me into the school

"I'm so sorry he hurt you" I whisper

He chuckles "it wasn't your fault but it shore was fun to watch you hurt him"

I walk into the cafeteria and Peeta is sitting at a table in the middle of the lunch room with a bunch of people crowded around his table.

His backpack was casually placed on the chair next to him, saving me a seat. Awww. I walk over with my lunch and I ask the boys

surrounding Peeta

"Can I help you?"

" no we were just telling your friend" he emphasized the word friend "that he did a nice job of getting beat up this morning" he says


"Look, whatever your name is, did you even see Gales limp as I pulled him up or when he walked away?" I ask.

"Whatever, but he still got some punches in" he says walking away with his followers.

I sit down across from Peeta and open my lunch. He smiles at me and I ask,

"Are you okay... You know from Gale...?"

"Oh, hahaha I kicked his ass. Remember?" He says teasingly.

"Oh yeah! Haha"

Peeta and I just sit there unmoving, staring into each others eyes. I start to feel that longing, craving, I felt in the cave of the arena. I try

to contain myself but I guess the world is plotting against me today because Peeta reaches over to me and places a loose piece of hair

from my braid behind my ear. That's it, that set me off. I lunge across the table and attach Peeta with my lips. The silverware I knock

over with my legs, clatters onto the table and floor. Peeta stands up with our lips still connected and I wrap my legs around he waist

and he supports my thighs with his hands.

"Eh- hem" someone loudly clears their throat.

Peeta pulls away and sets me gently on my feet and it is completely silent.

"Finally!" Someone yells

"The star-crossed lovers are finally together" someone else yells.

The room erupts with applause. I grab Peeta, who is looking around sheepishly, and pull him out the door. I can feel the tears coming, I

don't know how long I can keep them in. I let go of Peeta and decide I need to go home. I drop his arm and run from the school lot. I

run through the Square and up the path of the victors village. I open the door to my house and see my mother in the kitchen.

"What are you doing home early" my mother asks lightly.

"...I" my voice breaks and I can feel I am about to break into tears so I run upstairs, slam the door to my bedroom and cry. And cry. And


At about 3:30 when school ends Peeta opens my window and climbs through. He takes one look at me and pulls me into his warm embrace.

"What's the matter?!?" He asks.

"Whe...when we kissed...every saw" I sobbed "and now every one kn...knows"

"Oh, you wanted to keep us a secret, I see..." He says hurt.

"No I didn't mean it that" I say quickly " I don't like when people are in my...our business and make fun of me, everyone in

the district knows we are pretending" I say sadly.

"Hey, shh, shh, I will protect you" he says.

I curl up on the bed next to Peeta, warn out from crying all day. "You wi..will?"

"Of course" he says. Peeta whispers something else but I didn't hear because the sleep swallows me into its darkness.


There you go another update! I am getting more and more readers by the hour, it really is exiting! I'm sorry it's so short but I need to

think of more ideas. If you have any ideas inbox me on wattpad and let me know.

Do you want me to update more often with short chapters or like once a week with longer chapters? The first one would be easier but

whatever you guys want! Vote and comment what you thought or what you want to happen.


1. Where are you guys from? I'm curious. You can ask me if you want.

2. Favorite songs? Bands?

(Couldn't really think of any songs)

With love,


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