Chapter three

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As I step out of the shower I rap the towel around my body and walk into my room to get dressed. I put on the first thing I touch, a

brown short sleeve shirt, a pair of black pants and my fathers hunting boots. It is raining outside so I pull on my fathers hunting jacket

and braid my hair down my back. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I pull out a bowl and start cutting

some wild strawberries, blackberries and rasberries. I sit at the table and wait for Peeta with my food. I take the last strawberry and put

it in my mouth and decide to just walk to Peeta's. I walk out the door into the poring rain and walk across the side walk to Peeta's front

door. As I'm about to go in he opens the door and smiles at me while leaning in to kiss me. He presses his soft lips to mine and my body

floods with warmth. When he pulls away I frown at him disappointed but he just chuckles and puts his arm around my waist and half

drags me to school. When we get into the school we stay outside under the cover of the stone balcony. He looks around to make shore

no one is watching and leans down to kiss me. His soft, warm lips press softly against mine and we stay like that but Peeta abruptly

pulls away. I feel hurt, but look down and see Peeta on the ground with a figure on top of him. A group of what feels like the whole

school crowds around us. Peeta rolls over and pins the figure on the ground. Gale. Gale breaks Peeta's grip, picks him up and slams him

against the wall. Peeta looks furious, Gale punches him in the face then stomach. Peeta kicks Gale off him with such force he falls on

the ground and Peeta kicks and punches Gale.

"Enough!" I scream "Both of you, get your selfs over here!"

Peeta stops and walks over with his head down and Gale gets up while ,clutching his stomach, and limps over. I almost laugh through

all my anger. I can't believe Gale would try to beat up a man who has been in the hunger games. Peeta is really strong, I mean he fought

Cato and he only got a cut, well a cut that almost killed him, but he was still able to get away from Cato. I think the whole school was

crowded around us and I herd someone yell "hey look Peeta tried to beat up Katniss's boyfriend! little victor is mad!" That's it. I walk

over to The boys who are still laying on the floor and pull Gale up by his shirt. I cup his cheek and stare into his eyes and he stares back

at me. I start to lean in and so does he... That's when I start hitting and kicking the shit out of him.


I updated! finally! thank you so much for reading! please comment and vote to tell me what you thought!


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1. What the Hell - Avril Lavigne

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