Chapter Twenty-Six: Unknown Numbers and Late Night 'Conversations'?

Start from the beginning

"Here, have a water while I finish up and we can head back to my apartment after. We need to get you out of those clothes.." Youngjae said handing him a glass of ice water, noticing his widened eyes, "You're soaked.. I don't want you to get sick." the younger smiled, releasing a chuckle as he clarified. "I'll be back soon." 

Jaebum watched the younger thank the couple he handed the bill to earlier. That soft smile was so inviting and kind. His eyes were bright and hopeful as well. How was one guy so full of positivity in a world like theirs? 

The singer had only had a few sips of his drink when the younger bounded up to him, "All set, ready?" He asked, bouncing on the soles of his feet. JB  nodded, ready to get out of his wet clothes. 

It was only a ten minute walk from the restaurant to Youngjae's apartment building. Youngjae tossed off his shoes the moment he got though his door, beckoning the older follow him. "Take off  your clothes." He commanded as he pushed him into the bathroom turning on the water for a warm shower. 

Jaebum hadn't waited for Youngjae to leave the bathroom, instantly peeling off the soaked shirt, shocking the younger when he had turned around.

"Oh! I.. didn't realize you.. were already.. um.." Youngjae looked down, averting his eyes from JB's chest. "I'll just let.. you.. yeah, that.." He slid out of the bathroom, "When you're in the shower, I'll leave some clothes on the counter.. hyung!" He called through the door, feeling a bit more comfortable not that JB's body wasn't assaulting him.

JB was undressed and in the shower quickly, the warm water a wonderful contrast to his chilled skin. A small smile appeared as he saw the cherry scented shampoo before he picked it up and began to wash his own hair with the fruity shampoo. 

Jaebum was always a fan of a quick shower and was done in ten minutes. Today was no exception. Within ten minutes the warm water was turned off and wrapped a towel around his waist. On the counter was clothes for him to put on and it appeared that Youngjae had silently taken his wet clothes out as well. JB shrugged, slipping on the dry clothes. 

When he left the bathroom it only took him a moment to find Youngjae, sitting on his couch and playing with his phone. "Thanks for letting me shower.." JB stated, his voice obviously shocking the younger by the way his body jumped. 

"Do you want a drink hyung?" Youngjae asked, he had a bottle of soju on the table, already opened.

"Some of that would be good.." Jaebum answered, sitting next to Youngjae on the sofa.

The younger smiled, pouring him a glass of the strong drink. "So, hyung.. Why were you so wet?" Youngjae asked, his brows furrowing slightly. He had been trying to figure out the reason since he had seen JB walk into the restaurant.

Jaebum sighed, taking a drink of the hard liquor, "Well.. I found out my.. Jinyoung.. He lied to me about something important.." He tipped back the glass, swallowing the contents. "I don't know how we can come back from this." He looked down at the bottle, "May I?" he asked the younger to see if he was allowed another drink. Youngjae nodded vigorously, as if saying 'of course, you're the hyung!'

As Jaebum poored himself another glass, he offered to pour Youngjae another, to which the younger accepted.

"What if he knows what he did was wrong? You guys have fans to think about, hyung.. Including me." Youngjae stated falling quiet towards the end, sipping on the clear drink, hissing happily. "I just think.. You guys know each other better than you know yourselves, probably. Why don-"

Youngjae's words were cut off by Jaebum's finger shushing him as he moved a bit closer. "Can we forget about Jinyoung tonight? I just want to have a fun night with a new friend." JB smiled at the younger.

Youngjae nodded, JB's finger slipping from his lips. "I have a deck of cards? 21?"

Three bottles of soju later, the pair were halfway through a game of strip poker. Jaebum wasn't sure who had thought of playing strip poker in the first place but here they were.. JB was only in his pants where Youngjae had taken off his pants and sat clad in his tee and boxers. A fountain of giggles flowed from each of them as Youngjae laid down two 9's and a 6, "Three of a kind! I win! Take your pants off!"

His giant smile was contagious, a smile spreading to JB's own lips. JB could see that it was a 6, but Youngjae's enthusiasm made the onlder want to give in. He slid the pants down and kicked them off. "Like what you see? It's my turn to get you to the same state!" Jaebum grinned, playfully threatening the younger.

"You'll fall in love with me!" Youngjae threatened back, leaning over the cards, close to JB's face.

The older chuckled, "You think so?" He asked with a smirk. "Prove it."

Youngjae stared at the older for a moment contemplating if he should do it. The younger nodded, mostly to himself, befor lifting his shirt over his head and moving close to JB once again.

They were close enough for the smell of soju on each others breath was being inhaled. Youngjae slowly continued leaning forward. Jaebum felt powerless. Not because he was aftraid or uncertain.. But because the night with the smiley dongsaeng had him wanting this.

JB's hand, with a mind of its own, hooked behind Youngjae's neck, pulling the younger's lips crashing into his. Heated and sloppy. Jaebum couldn't pull away now, even if he wanted to..

Not that he wanted to..

So this chapter took a bit longer to write and I would've posted it last night, however; I was at my sister's house for the night and there was no wifi >.<

Anyhow, Seventeen's "Clap" And Monsta X's "Dramarama" are literally their best comebacks so far! My god, so catchy and beautifully shot ^^ Any thoughts?

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