Dare #5 - The No-eating-chocolate-for-a-week Challenge

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TwilightSky11 - I dare you to not eat chocolate-

Anna: Fine. *Counts five seconds* *Starts eating chocolate*

-for a week.

Elsa: Oh, I would like to see this! *Swirls hands in the air and creates ice camera men*

Anna: Seriously, Elsa-

*Munch munch munch*

*Looks at Olaf*

Elsa: Olaf, we're trying to-

Anna: -sings- Put on a show!

Elsa: Anna... *Facepalms*

Six Days Later... (11:58 pm)

Anna: Omg omg omg omg!!! Two more...

Clock: 11:59

Anna: *Squeals with excitement*

Elsa: *Shoves chocolate in Anna's mouth*

Olaf: *Eyes widen* *Munch munch munch*

Clock: 12:00

*Long silence*

Anna: ...Readers, just to let you know... I tried. This is all Elsa's fault!!!

Olaf: *Stops munching*

Elsa: LOL.

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