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Today in my Bible Study, God talked with me about my anxiety.  How many of you have anxiety or depression or know people who struggle with it? I don't have depression and my anxiety is not as bad as others (with me it's more internally plaguing) but it's still a problem in my life and many other people's lives as well. 

What God helped me realize is that when I'm having an anxiety problem and I'm thinking about the future and I'm fearing it, I'm focused on myself and my problems and sometimes I'm focused on future problems that don't even exist yet.  What this does is it's a worldly view that only increases my anxiety. 

Instead I need to whisper His Name in loving trust.  This invites Him into my difficulties.  He comforts us and reassures us that nothing can separate us from His love.  His Presence brings us Joy...  Joy that comes directly from Him. 

My first thought was...  Okay I need to learn this.  Great idea but how? When I'm paranoid my mind fixates on a thought - a fear - and it's all my mind thinks about.  The fear that I'll get a terrible disease and die horribly and then it plagues me and robs me of my joy.  I can't control it so trying to think about God and His comfort and Him taking care of me in a moment like that seems...  Impossible. 

"And Jesus said to them, "With men this is impossible.  But with God nothing is impossible." Matthew 19:26.

God also responded with these verses: John 14:15 -17, 26. John 15: 26. John 16:7, 13 - 16. Those verses talk about the Holy Spirit inside us who is our Helper and how He tells us what He hears from the Father.  So anytime you or a loved one struggle with anxiety, speak God's Name and ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of God's love for you, that no one and nothing can take away from you. 

Can I get an amen? :)

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