Chapter Seventy-Four

Start from the beginning

At one point, the owl flew down and landed near Milo's head. Immediately, Peter attempted to shoo the bird away from the boy, not sure what the owl's intentions were. Did it sense the blood, thinking that Milo was some form of weak and wounded prey?

"Get out of here!" Peter squeaked waving his arm around weakly. He wasn't left in the greatest condition either as the swipe on his side was getting worse. His vision was growing blurry and he was definitely feeling the cold of the night. "Get out of here, you stupid bird!"

The man fell over on his side, his good hand attempting to apply pressure but failing miserably. The owl grew closer and closer, while Peter yelled at it to go away. However, as the owl leaned in, Peter was able to witness it transform into a beautiful maiden.  She had long dark hair that seemed to fall over her face as she peered down at Milo's body. Her olive complexion seemed to glisten in the moonlight and at the one point when she looked up, her eyes revealed to be that of a grey colour. Peter wasn't sure if he was hallucinating from entering a state of shock, or if there actually was someone there with them in that very moment.

She didn't pay attention to him very long, mainly as Milo seemed to be her main focus. As if the boy was as light as a feather, she placed her hands underneath his back and lifted him up into her arms. Milo almost appeared doll-like as she stood up carrying a warrior-like stance, yet a loving look on her face as she peered down at the child.

Milo moved just a bit, his eyes opening briefly during his shifting. With the moonlight shining down on the back of the woman's head, he wasn't able to make out much besides her sharp features and what appeared to be a stern look.

"M-m-mum," his voice croaked, "Mum, you're here."

It seemed his request was answered as he just wanted his mother by his side during the final moments. He couldn't believe he was facing death once more within just a years time, but seeing as all the trouble he had placed himself in, it probably shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did. All he wanted though was to have the woman who raised him and loved him as her own to be there at his side so that he could pass peacefully and then be received by the arms of his other mother. 

His thoughts went all the way back to his earliest memories that he shared with his mother, taking his first job as the official scroll shredder, or how he would listen to her read every night. The way that she would check on him during the nights as he was settling in and how she would stay by his bedside until he fell asleep again to make sure he didn't have any more nightmares. The memories of her not complaining when Milo woke from his sleep during the middle of the night and crawled into her bed, sleeping at the bottom.

How she would nag him for the little things some days and laugh about the same things the next. How they made each other smile and laugh, most people only knew her for her stern look, but Milo had seen so many different sides to the woman. He knew his mother better than anyone else and she knew him better than anyone else. That's who he wanted at his side for the last moments because he owed everything to her.

"I am not your mother, Milo Potter."


"I-I-I want my m-mum," Milo whispered to the woman, disappointed that she wasn't his mother. He didn't honestly care who she was, he just wanted Minerva to be there, he was holding on for her despite all the pain he was in that moment. "Please..."

It was then that Milo realised that he was no longer on the floor of the forest but cradled in the arms of the woman. It must have been quite the sight to see as he wasn't exactly the small kitten that his patronus was. 

"I will bring you to your mother, Milo Potter."

"Y-you can just call me Milo," he informed the beautiful woman, " my mum only says it all if I'm in trouble."

"Well, you certainly have found yourself in quite a bit of trouble this evening, haven't you?" The woman replied with a small chuckle. It made him feel relaxed that she wasn't yelling him or condemning him for his stupid mistakes. He should have never challenged Remus, especially with the man in his werewolf form. But he also didn't want Remus to have the death of Peter on his hands while he was in his werewolf form. The man already viewed himself as a monster, he didn't want something else to worsen those thoughts. However, it seemed Milo had made it worse because if the man found out that he had been the one to kill his godson, he was never going to forgive himself. 

"Wh-who are you?" Milo said, feeling the warmth of her embrace, it certainly had a motherly element to it, the way she held him, reminded Milo of the moments that he shared with Minerva growing up.

"I am Athena."

"Athena?" Milo repeated. The pain was subsiding as the woman was walking along in the moonlight and Milo didn't even realise. His gaze was focused on her. "You're the one that Artemis and Persephone were talking about...the one they thought would interfere first."

"Of course they believed that," she scoffed, "no surprise that they try to find a fault within perfection. But it was not I who interfered, I abided by the rules. I allowed Minerva to care for you and she never broke the pact created among the family."

"My reside over her..." Milo said reaching his hands up and clutching the front of the woman's robes. "I should have put that together. But I didn't..."

"I think there were other matters that required your attention at the time," Athena spoke in a strong voice.

He agreed but he was confused as to where they were going, seeing as it didn't look like they were walking in the direction of the castle.

"Where are we going?"

"I said I was going to take you to your mother. The families are gathered, Milo Potter," Athena spoke to him, "there has been much discussion since you last spoke with Artemis, Hades, and Persephone. We are all to gather and inform our families what decisions had been made."

"Does this mean I'll be able to see the other wizarding families that are watched over by gods and goddesses?"

"Yes," Athena smiled, "prepare yourself, what you see might surprise you."

"You're going to take me in like this?" Milo questioned her, his mind finally wandering back to his injury. "No, please, please don't let my mother see me like this. Don't let her, it'll kill her, it nearly did the last time."

"Milo, relax, feel your neck."

The boy lifted his hand, he could see feel the wet blood but as he touched the side of his neck, the wound was sealed. His fingers were only trailing over the prominent scarring that was left behind in its place.

"Do you just carry silver and dittany powder on your person at all times?"

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