Introduction of the characters

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So this is my first story on Wattpad so please don't judge too hard!<3

At first I'd like to introduce the charcters in this story.

There are all characters from Hannibal, because obviously it is from Hannibal but mostly about Will Graham x reader because we all know Will is bae!

Most important characters:

- Will Graham

- Jack Crawford

- Bella Crawford

- Beverly

- Hannibal Lecter

- Alana Bloom

- Jimmy and Zeller

- Reader (Y/N) (In the story named "Sarah")

Maybe there will be some other characters but they are not as important than they are.

And just as a fact: This story will be containing a lot of Will Graham x Reader. There won't be any romantic relationship to Hannibal! (Neither Hannigram but I still love Hannigram)

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