Chapter Nine - Cotton Candy Mafia Mess.

Start from the beginning

The lady at the desk didn’t even take a second look at our passports, she scanned them under the reader and handed them back straight away without another word. I wanted to stand there shocked for a second but I was already being dragged through into the security check line. I wasn’t exactly hiding anything dangerous so I don’t know why I felt so nervous. This was all new though, I’d never been to an airport, let alone been on a plane.  

I didn’t beep going through the scanner but Axel did. My heart did a little jump when the scanner beeped repeatedly. I tried to hide the smile on my face, thinking this was going to be the end of it all already. Axel would be caught carrying a weapon or something and taken away. Airport security wasn’t the same as the police force, of course they were in conjunction with each other but something told me you couldn’t wrap them around your finger like the fuzz. They were armed with semi automatic rifles and fierce looking guard dogs. My smile quickly disintegrated when Axel pulled a handful of loose change from his jean pocket, placed it in the tray and walked back through the scanner without a hiccup. They even used a metal detector on him and nothing came up.  

We fled the security area as quickly as possible and embarked on the departure lounge. The mass amount of shops in one building was mind numbing, why does an airport need all these places? We didn’t get to look inside any of the shops however, Anita led us straight to the food court. She spoke to Axel in a hushed voice deciding where we should eat, somewhere out the way so they could discuss their plan of action. 

Trying to capture someone’s attention was completely out of the question. I was silently asking for help but I think Anita caught on as she kept standing right in front of me with an evil scowl set on her face. So I turned to look at the queue of people in front of us. The lady’s back in front was interesting for about a second. I was about to try and look around again when I noticed something poking out of her back pocket on her jeans. The light had reflected of it and caught my attention and apparently Zayn’s too. He shifted his head towards it and I nodded back in response. 

We waited until the queue started to shuffle forward again, Zayn stuck out his foot directly in my path causing me to stumble. I lurched forward and stopped myself falling to the floor by leaning against the lady in front. I never intended on being a criminal but as my hand snatched the phone from her back pocket the thought didn’t even cross my mind. 

“I’m so sorry!” I replied trying to act as if I was flustered and embarrassed. Anita sent me a death glare as did Axel and I attempted to look threatened by their stares but my heart was too busy being pumped with adrenaline. The lady turned around and just brushed it off as if it was nothing thankfully. I nodded to Zayn before I spoke again.

“I need the toilet.” I spoke and physically forced my way past Anita who had been guarding one side of me. I didn’t even give her a chance to reply as I darted towards the toilets. No surprise she was hot on my heels, not wanting to cause a scene though she walked in sync with me, her hand subtly gripping my wrist. The phone was in my other hand, I didn’t have any pockets so I tried to cover my palm over the whole thing and keep it out of sight.

“You think I’m stupid?” She sneered in my ear as we reached the bathroom door. She thought I was attempting to run, even escape through a bathroom window, but I wasn’t that basic. 

“No.” I spat back and slammed the bathroom stall door shut in her face.

Since she was stood outside the door, I could see her feet underneath the wood I couldn’t make a phone call. I looked at the phone and sighed, it had a pass lock of course. I raised the device towards the light and tried to figure out the sequence by looking at the finger print marks. After several attempts and different variations I thought the screen was going to be disabled after a long pause, but it didn’t. It unlocked and I breathed a sigh of release. 

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