Coffeshop (AU?)

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Kevin had been working at the local coffee shop for almost two weeks now.

In reality, this coffee shop was a little shack in the corner of the village's one and only restaurant.

Kevin didn't even get paid an actual salary but he didn't mind because he was allowed to have as much coffee as he wanted while he was on a shift. So naturally, he worked there every spare hour he could.

By then most of the other Elders and Ugandans knew of Kevin's job but they kept it a secret because Kevin would give them insanely good discounts.

The only elder who hadn't caught Kevin at his new job yet was the one and only district leader: Connor McKinley.

Even though they had separated themselves from the church, Connor still believed firmly in the fact that coffee was bad. Not necessarily a sin, but still bad for health in general.

One day, about three weeks after Kevin and Arnold had arrived at Uganda, Connor McKinley went out to the local restaurant.

Kevin froze up as soon as he saw his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ friend walk in the front doors with a huge empty gallon of water.

He decided to play is casual and pray that he didn't notice the 15 empty coffee cups beside him.

"Woah Elder Price!?" Connor dropped his gallon to the ground when we realized that Kevin was in there, "What are you doing here? And running the coffee machine?"

"It's just a...summer job?"

"A summer job? It must have insane benefits if it allows you to drink is that fifteen cups of coffee you've had?"

Kevin scrambled to quickly sweep the cups into the garbage.

"What are you talking about? I haven't had a single cup of coffee ever!" Kevin exclaimed.

"You literally have coffee stains on your shirt Kevin...You know it's okay to talk to me about these things." Connor said in a concerned voice.

"What things?"



"Kevin you've can't be serious! You've had fifteen cups of coffee today! And you calm that normal? You're clearly addicted!"

"I am?"

"Yes and I have made it my mission to stop this horrible caffeine addiction! I can't allow your health to plummet like this Elder."

Kevin became distracted by his friend's astonishing good looks and tuned out from Connor's ramblings.

"And did you know that caffeine can-Kevin are you even paying attention to me? I'm tying to say that there must be something, anything better than coffee! Even the taste is disgusting. There has to be something that tastes better than coffee to you!"

"Your lips," Kevin instantly blurted out, without taking a second to pause.


"I mean-" Kevin scrambled to find a rhyme quickly, "I mean your hips!"


"Fuck," Kevin muttered.

"What did you just say? Kevin I must say I'm concerned for you. First an addiction to coffee, then a comment about my lips of all things, then my hips, then cursing?"


"I'm guessing you've been working here for a while they pay you in coffee?"

"...Yes..." Kevin painfully admitted.

"Kevin if there's anything I can do to help you."

"Kiss me," Kevin said on instinct.

They both froze when they realized what the he had said.

This caused both of them to curse this time, with the addition of both boys turning bright red.

"I didn't mean... I'm sorry I have this one song stuck in my head, you know the one that goes kiss meeeeee."

"Judging from what you said about my lips earlier, I'm guessing you just lied Kevin."

"No-no-no! It was another song, you know the once that's like with the taste of your lips I'm on a ride-"

"-Kevin please stop!" Connor interrupted his singing,"I can't believe this..."

"Believe what? Because I think I'm very convincing." Kevin said with a smirk in an attempt to cover up his embarrassment.

"No I mean... You like me don't you?"

Kevin was speechless.

"Oh Em Gosh... You do like me don't you?"

"...Yes..." Kevin said with shame.

"Oh Em Gosh Kevin I can't believe it! You really like me?"


"No way, no way, no way!" Connor was about as excited as a toddler who was just given a lollipop.

"What? What are you freaking out about?"

"Because I like you too Kevin!"

Another moment of speechlessness.


"I've had a crush on you since the moment you walked through the door."

"You can't be serious..."

"I am! I've never told a lie in my life! Besides the whole... Turn it off thing."

"So... does this mean I can kiss you?"

Connor replied by leaning over the counter and pulling him into a kiss.

After a few seconds both boys pulled apart with smiles on their faces.

"Well I guess I can kind of see why you're addicted to coffee... I admit the taste has grown on me."

They laughed as Connor climbed over the counter so he could be closer to Kevin.

They embraced each other and kissed each other again passionately in a desperate attempt to try and prove to themselves that this was in fact reality.

A few minutes later, they walked out of the coffee shop hand-in-hand.

Kevin decided to take his lunch break a few hours early that day.

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