Part II

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The men in front of me began to argue wether to take me or not. I felt highly uncomfortable just sitting in the closet feeling far away from them but way too close at the same time. I was unable to move once again as the face of my mother appeared in front of my own again and again. The sound of flesh being ripped apart still ringing in my ears leaving me in an even worse state then before. The voices of the three in front of me began to get louder although I didn't understand one word. My mind didn't concentrate enough on them. I just heard the loudness of them banging against my brain. I curled up even more then I already was as I just cried by myself. Why does this have to happen? I don't understand anything that just happened but I want it to be undone. I had no one left. She was dead because of me. It was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten her to look out for me. I just should've stayed away from the window to begin with them everything would be fine wouldn't it?

All of the sudden the voices stopped and there was just silence for a few moments. I didn't appreciate it as much as I thought I would. My thoughts got even louder with the silence from outside. It was my fault. Everything was. That my father left my mother was because of me. I wasn't planned. I just took the money away. And now I even ended her life because I was too afraid. My breath started to pick up again. The tips of my fingers pressed into the skin on my knees for o was hiding behind them as beat as I could hoping they would shield me from the harsh reality.

"Go to the car. Take her with you.", was all I could here cutting through the lack of sounds by a faintly familiar voice. My posture remained the same as the three men came closer. "We won't harm you. We will help you but you have to come with us. You're not safe here.", a nice soft voice was saying but I shook my head rapidly. I couldn't leave. I couldn't leave my mother and follow strangers. Why should I trust them. What if they're one of them? And they just want to kill me next with some sick ritual.

"If we'd want to kill you you would be dead already.", the familiar voice spoke up again with a cold harsh sound. I looked up in shock. How did he know that I was thinking that? I didn't say anything. The other three sighed in unison and the fourth shrugged leaving the scene. My back was pressing against the back of the closet as I still didn't want to follow them for good reasons.

"Please, you have to trust us. We will explain everything what just happened to you. Just come with us so we can get you safe.", a slightly chubby man with glasses spoke up. I realized it was the same soft voice as before. I pondered if I should believe them or not. It seemed crazy to just follow them. "Please, I know it may be harsh to say but you don't really have anywhere else to go, have you?", a man with curly hair spoke up causing me to bite the inside of my cheek to force back tears. With my last strength I stood up shaking heavily nodding. A relieved smile appeared on their faces and another guy began to help me walk so I wouldn't collapse. 

" We will bring you to a safe place, and then we will tell you everything. I'm Andy.", he said with a surprisingly high voice causing me to nod. That was all I could really do. I wasn't able to speak even one word. It was like my throat was glued shut. With a weird feeling in my stomach I let them led me towards a black car. The last of the four was already sitting inside on the passenger seat looking majorly upset about something. But my interest for that just lasted short for I was entering the car now being forced to look at my house again. My window was still open but under it was nothing. Whoever they were, they took her. I could feel the pool of sadness inside of me fill up again yet I couldn't take my eyes away. As the car started to pull away I saw a figure peeking from behind the tree. A white hat. In an blink of an eye it was gone. I must've imagined.


The car ride was silent. I couldn't talk and the others seemed to respect that for now at least  my eyes remained in the same position looking out the window the whole rode. What had I gotten myself into? Was this even real or just a very bad nightmare? Maybe something happened to me and I was just in a coma imagining things. Yea, that had to be it. I was clumsy enough that something could be happened. Maybe a tile fell from a roof when I was walking home and hit my head knocking me out sending me to this world while my body was lying in a hospital. That seemed logical, right?

{why don't you just drop dead?}    [Vampire Brendon/ Vampire Pete x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now