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How you meet
Age 6

Sitting in your back garden alone, you hummed a soft tune that your older sister always sang to you. You missed her dearly as she hasn't come home from her mission yet and had been away for a long time. "(y/n)! dinners ready!" your mother called from the kitchen window "coming!"

Hearing a small thump just outside the bush, you went to quickly see what had happened "are you okay!?" you asked the blond boy who was trying to get out of your bush "y-yeah, I'm fine" smiling awkwardly, he rubbed the back of his neck "do you need to see a doctor? my mothers a medic ninja" jumping over the bush, you took the boys hand to see scrams and small cuts from the branches all over him "I'm okay, sorry for troubling you"

Running away, you wished you had caught the boys name but didn't mind as your food was waiting to be ate.

You get to know each other age 7

It had recently been your birthday and you were finally allowed to join the ninja academy you had wanted to join since young. Joining half way through the year wasn't the best but with what your sister and parents had taught you, you could catch up pretty quick.

"h-hello, I-i'm (Y/n)" you introduced yourself, looking at the floor as staring eyes were on you. Being the quiet person you were, you took the seat at the back, closest to the window. "hey, I'm Minato! we met the other day remember?" the blond boy smiled, looking at you "o-oh yeah, I'm (y/n) (l/n)"you said as you shook hands "we should hangσut at lunch, class is starting now so I'm going to go"

after that day, the two of you worked hard together and were inseparable

He finds out how he feels about you age 15

Watching you train with your sister, Minato enjoyed seeing such a big smile on your face. He sat near by, under a large tree as you worked hard in the blazing sun "t-time out Hana, I can't go on" you huffed (putting my oc in the story) putting away the kunai that you were holding "okay, why don't I fight with you for a minuet Minato?" your sister asked "I'll see if your good enough to protect this little sister of mine" Minato's face turned red at the comment and turned his face. Wondering to himself why he was so embarrassed. Mabey he does love you.

You ask him out age 16

Sitting together after a hard day of training, you looked over to the blond boy who was almost asleep "Minato, I have a question" you sighed, taking a sip of the water bottle in your hand "what is it?" Minato asked, looking concerned "this is hard to say, umm...how do I tell someone that I like-uhh love them?" your face turned red as you asked the question to the boy you love. 'What if he take's it the wrong way?' you asked your self. "well, if you were going to ask me...I guess if you were just upfront and tell me that you loved me- uhh..." stopping mid sentence he carried on "but different people like different ways" nodding, you leaned your head on his shoulder "I love you Minato"

"well in that case, I love you too (y/n)"

Date night

Minato wasn't one for date's and quite frankly, you weren't to hyped for one either so you compromised and stayed your home due to it being empty for the time being "let's play a game" you smiled, talking a small box from your shelf "shogi?" asking Minato, you showed him the blank box with the word scribbled in messy hand writing "sure"

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