Breaking the ice and blooming a date

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After an eventful day for Ash and Serena, probably some work of the stars, they are on their way back to the pokemon center, hand in hand...Meanwhile at the Pokemon center Clemont and Bonnie are in the cafeteria, eating their breakfast. All the pokemons but pikachu are having their breakfast. The little mouse is on the steps of the pokemon center, waiting for its trainer to return. Though nobody seems to express, but they are concerned about the two missing members of the group....

Bonnie's P.O.V

"Clemont, gulp up your breakfast like Ash does. Both of them haven't yet returned!" I exclaimed. "It stormed heavily last night, look there's at least 3 feet of snow upon the floor. I hope that they might have found some shelter." I sighed, he has been saying such things since yesterday. "Alright, if you're gonna eat like a slugma i will go look for them alone." "Bonnie, bonnie, a minute and i m done, then let'z go" he resisted me, i guess the cold weather has made him more inactive, i fear he might go into hibernation someday like some pokemons. Suddenly i heard laughing sounds from outside "Buddy, i missed you too and i am sorry for making you worry." That was Ash. "Can i join?" "Sure is that even a question?" Now it was Serena and Ash."Clemont, i guess they have returned" i said, but what are they doing outside in the snow. "Coming" Clemont answered. I reached the door and opened it, a cold breeze blew on my face. Looking forward there was no sign of Ash and Serena. "Ash, Serena where are you guys?" I asked. "Down here" I look down to see Ash and Serena beside each other with pikachu above Ash's head. The three of them were laying flat with arms and legs wide on the snow- trodden floor. Both Ash and Serena were giggling,'Is there something on my face?'. "Guys, what are you doing on the ground, its chilling out here?" Clemont asked from behind me."Making snow-angels i guess.." replied Serena. "Snow-angels i wanna make them too!!" I exclaimed with delight but Clemont got hold of my hand. "No, bonnie is very cold outside, Achhoo.." he sneezed. "It doesn't mean that if you have a cold then i will get one too" I interjected. Seeing both of us beginning a quarrel, Ash said, " Anyway, we are done, its just that pikachu pushed me on the floor after not seeing me for a day, i then decided to make these and then Sere joined me." 'Wait, did he say Serena, Sere.' I see Ash offer his hand to Serena for getting up. Now these are some first-time things. Nah, its just the friendly aspect of Ash.

I look at the figures formed at the snow by them." Wow Serena's snow-angel really looks like an angel" i squealed. "Well, she is an angel anyway" Ash said and then he leaned towards Serena, wait what i am seeing, i rub my eyes to see Ash kissing Serena and Serena kissing him back. 'Am i still sleeping?' I asked myself. I look beside me to see Clemont's jaw hanging from his mouth. Then i realized my jaw was too dropped. "Aah, Guys what is this?" Clemont questioned. I was too confused to utter anything. They seperated from the kiss, but before anybody could say anything, a loud growling sound was heard. "Hehehe, I guess we should talk over breakfast, i haven't eaten anything since yesterday" Ash chuckled while scratching the back of his neck. I moved aside from the door and saw Ash and Serena walking inside the cafeteria hand in hand. A few minutes later, we were in the cafeteria. Ash was having two full plates of the breakfast while Serena had one full plate. Pikachu was on the couch enjoying his ketchup. All the pokemons, were around us waiting for a response from either Ash or Serena. Meanwhile i got the time to think,'Has Serena made her move on Ash, it seems like it!' I squealed from inside at this thought.

Serena's P.O.V

I sat on the couch beside Ash, both of us were holding hands below the table and were trying our best to control our laughter. Neither of us expected such shocked reactions from the lemon siblings, espeacially Bonnie, the matchmaker couldn't utter a word. But at least they were less shocked than me when Ashy confessed to me. "So guys, care to expain?" It was Clemont again. I looked at Ash and he looked towards me, we shared a laugh and then raised our hands from under the table. "You see, now me and my angel, Sere are now together forever" i blushed at this. "Yaaaay, Ash and Serena are finally together, you gotta tell me how this happened" Bonnie exclaimed with a sudden burst of emotions. She came and hugged both of us "Now i should start thinking couple names for you both, Ashrena nah, Serenash, nah, ummm..." "Bonnie, bonnie there's no need for those we have nicknames instead Ashy for Ash and Sere for me" I sighed with a hope that this topic is off now or what wierd couple names she would give us. "I am very happy for you guys but it came out of nowhere, you gotta expain us how it happened?" Clemont requested out of nowhere."Sere, would you care to tell them our lovestory i am very hungry." "Okay Ashy..." I replied. "Awww so cute, you should take some tips from them Clemont, who knows you might get a wife today itself" Bonnie smirked at her brother. "BONNIE!!!" Clemont shouted. During time Ash was about half-way through his second plate and i was about to complete my breakfast.

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