This is Toxic(Pt 1)

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Pain erupted in Kyle's side as a foot rammed into it. He whispered in pain and looked up at his, supposed, super best friend, and boyfriend. "St-Stan stop!" He cried out and held his stomach.

"Don't order me around!" Stan spat and threw a bottle at his shoulder. Blood formed on the Jew's shoulder where the glass shattered. Stan spit at him and walked away, falling on his bed in a drunken sleep.

Kyle shuffled and limped to the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and winced. His face was injury free but when he tore away his clothes it was a horrendous sight. His once pale skin was now tainted with ugly yellow and purple bruises. He sniffed and wiped away tears that were coming to his eyes.

Kyle cleaned himself up and grabbed his clothes. He pulled on his orange jacket and hid his arms. He walked out of the room and down to the living room.

"Oh Kyle you're leaving?" The voice of Sharon caused him to stop. The woman was standing with a dish towel in her hands. On the couch was Randy. He looked up from the tv.

"Uh yeah my mom wants me home." The redhead said with a forced smile.

"Got pretty loud up there. What were you two doing?" Randy piped up from his seat on the couch.

"We were just playing video games and we were rough housing. Sorry for the noise." Kyle scratched the back of his head.

"Oh then that's fine." Sharon said with a nod. "Well be careful on your walk home."

"Thanks. Bye." Kyle said and left as quick as he could. He ran home and up to his room. He could hear his mother call after him but he ignored them. He couldn't tell them. He couldn't tell anyone.

The next morning Kyle woke up in pain. His whole body ached. He turned off his alarm and stood up. He got dressed and walked down stairs.

"Good morning bubala." Shela said from the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning mom." The day walker said and grabbed a glass of water. "Well I'm going to school-"

"Hold it young man. You haven't eaten anything for breakfast all week. And you keep forgetting your lunch money. Whats wrong Kyle? Are you sick?" Shela asked, worry in her voice.

"I just haven't been hungry." Kyle said. His current condition with Stan was stressing him out to the point that he couldn't eat. "I promise I'll eat tonight mom."

She sighed. "Alright. Get to the bus stop." She said.

Kyle nodded and walked into the living room. Ike stared at Kyle and sighed.

"You need help Kyle." Ike said. "The sooner you realise that, the better you will be."

Kyle looked away and ran out the door. 'Why does Ike have to know everything?!' He thought to himself.

Kenny and Cartman were at the bus stop arguing about something. When Kyle walked up Kenny shoved Cartman angrily. Cartman stumbled and shoved into Kyle's injured arm.

"Ow!" Kyle shrieked in pain and held his arm.

"Dude what was that?" Kenny asked through his muffled jacket.

"C-Cartman's fat ass just hurt me. Forget about it." Kyle laughed it off. Cartman glared at the Jew for the fat remark and grumbled.

"Don't even try to lie to me Kyle. Show me your arm." Kenny took a step forward and grabbed his wrist gently.

"Really Kenny it's nothing." Kyle pulled his arm back.

"Leave the Jew boy alone Kinny." Cartman said with his fat voice.

Kyle sighed in relief and looked at Kenny. Even with his face half covered by his parka it was obvious he was worried about the Jew.

"Hey guys." Kyle's demeanor changed at Stan's voice. He downcast his eye and his posture shrunk.



"Good morning Stan." Kyle said, forcing his voice to be normal. This didn't go unnoticed by Kenny and Cartman. They shared a look of confusion.

"Hey can I talk to you Kyle?" Stan asked.

Kyle swallowed his fear and nodded with a forced smile. "Yeah sure."

The teens walked away from the bus stop. Stan grabbed Kyle's shoulder. "I'm so sorry about last night Kyle." He said. "I have been really stressed out, and I've been depressed so I drank. I didn't mean to hurt you Ky." Stan dug I to his pocket and pulled out a bracelet with Kyle's name on it. "I need you Kyle, I can't live on my own." He said and gripped his shoulder tightly. "You won't leave me will you?" He slipped the bracelet onto Kyle's wrist.

Kyle met Stan's blue eyes with his green ones and sighed. "I won't leave you." Kyle looked down with broken orbs.

"You should stop talking to Kenny, and Eric. They'll take you from me." Stan whispered in Kyle's ear.

Kyle numbly nodded his head and followed Stan back over to the bus stop. The line went Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny. Stan kept Kyle far away from the other two teens.

------At Lunch Break------

Kyle sat outside during lunch. Stan walked inside to use the bathroom, leaving Kyle alone on the bench. Kyle didn't eat yet again, his body hurt too much to eat.

Two arms came from behind Kyle. One hand wrapped around his mouth while the other dragged him behind the school. Kyle pulled out of the arms and looked at the abductor.

"Kenny, Ike, Cartman?" Kyle stared at the hooded blonde. He remembered what Stan said and looked away. "I-I can't talk to you..."

"Then don't talk." Kenny muffled and motioned to Ike and Cartman.

Cartman walked out and walked up to Kyle. He grabbed him and pulled his arms back. Ike helped hold him down. Kenny moved Kyles shirt and jacket away, watching out for Kyle's kicking legs. Kenny's eyes widened as he stared at Kyle's torso.

"Oh my god..." Ike said in shock and held his mouth.

Cartman dropped Kyle and looked at him. "Woah dude.."

Kyle scrambled to hide his bruised torso. "It-It's my fault!" He said.

"No its not!" Kenny yelled. "Look what he did to you Kyle!"

"Yeah dude." Cartman rubbed his neck. "Kyle I hate you, but this is bad."

"You have to tell mom!" Ike exclaimed.

"He-He needs me..." Kyle said and looked at the bracelet he got that morning.

"He needs you? He fucking beats you!" Kenny yelled. "Is he drinking again?"

"Yes. But-But hes been depressed. It isn't his fault!" Kyle said, his eyes brimming with tears as he tried to cover for his Super Beat Friend.

"God damnit Kyle," Ike and Kenny pulled Kyle to their arms. "Stop covering for him! You have to tell somebody."

"I won't..." Kyle pulled away from them.

"Then we will!" Kenny said seriously.

"Do-" Kyle was cut off.

"What's going on back here?" Mr. Maky came around the corner. "You shouldn't be fighting. Let me tell you about fighting. Fighting is bad Mmkay? And you shouldn't fight because-"

"Mr. Maky Kyle has something to say to you." Cartman said and pushed Kyle forward.

"Oh Kyle? Kyle has something to say?" Mr. Maky stopped. "Well what is it Kyle?"

"Mr. Maky I...."

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