"No problem." She said following me with the others.

We all walked into the garage together and started in aw. There are eleven cars.

Percy has a green Lamborghini Veneno, I had a gray Mansory Vivre, Jason has a gold Koenigsegg One, Piper has a pink and black Aston Matrin One-77, Nico has a black Lamborghini Reventon, Thalia has a silver Pagani Huayra, Calrisse has a blood red Ferrari, Chris has a Zenvo ST1, Leo has a brown Hennessey Venom GT, and Travis and Connor share a green and black McLaren P1.

"WOW!" Leo yelled.

"These are really our cars." Travis and Connor said at the same time.

"I guess so." I said opening my car door.

"Lets ge to school." Piper said opening the garage door and we drove off.

After about thirty mintunes of driving we drove to the front of the school and everyone head turned our way and looked at us getting out of our cars. We all walked in a group to the front desk and I looked at her.

"Hello I am Miss Gomes." You must be the new students." She said with a smile on her face.

"Yes we are, may we get our class schedule's."

"Here you guys go." She said. "Have a Goode day." 

We walked to our lockers and I bumped into a girl.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking." I said getting up.

"It's ok." She said. "You guys must be new."

"Yeah." I said." "Can you shows us to our lockers."

"Yeah, whats your guys locker numbers."

"We have locker 400-411." I said

"Oh sorry my name is Jackie." She said "Whats your name and locker number."

"Oh my name is Annabeth and this is Leo, Travis, Connor, Chris, Clarisse, Jason, Piper, Nico, and Thalia." I said. "And my locker number is 405."


"Why am I lucky."

"Because you have the locker next to the hottest guy in school." She said. "He has these nice sea-green eyes, nice abs and muscles, and he is the captain on the swim team."

"What's him name."

"His name is Percy Jackson and he has a 'girlfriend'. so don't ask."

"Ok." I said while Jackie leading us to the locker.

When we got there I seen Percy but he didn't see me . I looked at the others and they all got in front of me.

"Hey Percy." Piper and Jason said.

"Oh my gods!" Percy yelled. "Why are you guys here and where's Annabeth."

"We are here for school and Annabeth couldn't make it" Jason said.

"Oh ok." I said when I heard some one say,

"Turn around seaweed brain."

"ANNABETH!" He yelled picking me up twirling me and giving me a long kiss.


"Let me see your guys class schedule's." He said taking them from us.

(I'm only gonna write this once so I don't have to write it 10 times)



-Science (Biology)

Demi-Gods @ high school (Discontuined)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن