"It's a boobie trap made by Satan. Careful, it shocks."

"Yeah, yeah."

I begin to use what powers I have as the device starts glowing red and sending red wave of light though the ship, not good. Han starts to take it apart as fast as he can while I help with what little magic I can perform. It tries to dig into the main frame even more, and I'm suddenly reminded of that mind-control thing from that movie Insurgent. And now I am even more disturbed because of how creepy that thing looks once it's out of your neck. I shudder from the image. We finally get it unattached and Han blasts it, the ship's alarms stop going nuts, and I have a pretty good feeling that everything is now back to normal more or less.

"I really, really hate that guy," Han says. "First he blasts my ship, then he sabotages it!"

"Wait until you meet Unkar Plutt," I reply. "I'm pretty sure you'll dislike him more."

"What does he do?"

"Uh, ask Rey when you get the chance," I tell him, getting out and heading towards the ramp to go warn Rey and Kylo before they triggur something. The results may be worse with the older version having so many 'modifications' by Unkar Plutt.... If I ever get the chance, I want to punch him. I race down the ramp, past a somewhat surprised Vader who I assume heard the alarms, and into the other Falcon right as it's alarms start blaring.

"What's going on?!" Rey yells racing to where I am, leaving Kylo to try and get the ship under control while she tries to deal with the problem. Together we move the panel

"Lydia isn't the only one that makes highly compatible devices," I say as we both jump into the compartment. It doesn't take me long to find it. "Good God! This thing didn't go into the main frame; it went into the hyperdrive!"

"Oh, no. KYLO!!" she yells jumping out racing back to the cockpit, knowing exactly what I mean. The hyperdrive is already extremely stressed because of all the stuff Plutt added to the Falcon, this could blow up the ship. I'm surprised it hasn't already. I start working on it.

"What's going on here?" Vader demands.

"Ask someone else, kinda busy," I reply having the feeling he isn't the only one who's in here. Han jumps in beside me.

"Satan somehow hide devices that just activated on the ships," Han says.

"And to make matters worse, this one embedded itself into the hyperdrive," I say as my powers fly around it trying to get it out, ignoring the massive lose of energy.

"Got it," I say triumphantly as we get it out and destroy it, but the alarms don't stop. I jump out and race to the cockpit. "I was worried that would happen."

"What?" asks Han after blasting the device.

"Unkar Plutt."

"This is bad. This is really, really bad," Rey repeats worriedly as she and Kylo try to stabilize the ship.

"Who in the nine Corallina hells did this?" Kylo asks. "Last time I saw something like this happen in this ship, it was not as worrisome as this!"

"Last time you were in this ship and the alarms were going crazy, we crashed into Mars!"

"Not my fault!"


"STOP FIGHTING!!" I yell as I start to use my powers to take away energy from the areas that were rising dangerously and try to bring the ship to a safer setting, which is easy because the energy becomes mine and I don't use as much taking it. But it isn't happening fast enough, so I decide to forget it and take over the entire ship with my powers, undoing all the damage and bringing the ship under my control. The alarms stop. Everyone pauses for a moment in relief as I break off my connection to the ship and slump into a seat exhausted.

"How did you do that?" asks Rey.

"Um, it's kind of a long explanation."

"Hold on, Rey what in the galaxy is that?" asks Kylo looking at something on the dashboard.

"It's a fuel pump," she replies.

"What are you doing with a fuel pump on my ship?" Han says angrily.

"Unkar Plutt installed it, not me. I haven't had the chance to uninstall it," she replied hurriedly.

"And, I already hate that guy," Han says.

"You'd better uninstall it, I can imagine what it does to the ship," says Kylo, if possible, angrier than Han.

"Good grief," I say forcing myself to leave.

"Well, it's not like you own the ship!" Rey says argumentatively to Kylo.

"Yeah—" his reply is cut off by the door closing. I hope Han can try to calm down things between the two.... What am I asking for? 'Cause that's not going to happen. I stop, sighing; turn back around, and almost walk right into Vader. Oh boy, what does he want?

"We need to speak about that deal," he says, "in private."

"Of course," I say as I start to hear the yelling in the cockpit through the door. "Can I just take care of something real quick?" I ask opening the door before he can reply. "IF YOU ALL DON'T SHUT UP ABOUT THIS SHIP NONSENSE, I'M CALLING MY MOTHER!!!" I yell. I startle everyone enough that it is silent. "Thank you," I say, trying to be calm. I am done with arguing, fighting, yelling, etc. Although, I don't exactly know where that anger came from.... Stress? Either way, now I am super tired and not in the mood to deal with Vader, but I know better than to avoid it. I turn to Vader. "I'm sure you already have a meeting place picked out, shall we?"

Magic, Lies Book 1 of the Magic SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora