Runners Of Rais

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Your the only refuge now! home but now it's just a giant shitshow!
Me and my bestfriend are runners for Rais and his savages

"Randy do you have your machetes?"

He motioned his hand for a thumbs's sad to be honest....his neck was slit by another survivor but gladly it only ruptured his windpipes...

"Let's get to Rais before he has another tantrum."

We headed down to Rais room to find him tortuing one of his men

"Ahhhhh!" A man yelled
"This is what you get for subordination!" Rais yelled as he broke his fingers
"Um...Rais Were here."
"Atleast you can listen to orders!"Rais yelled as he kick his men
"What do you need us to do?"
"Since your some of my best I would like you to go on the nightwatch team." Rais said with anger
"NightWatch! Are you crazy that's when the NightHunter comes out!"
"That's why I'm sending my best!"Rais yelled
"Fine....what do you need us to get?"
"There's a supply drop dropping in the East sector at night and that's where you come in but be vigilant because Kyle Crane has been seen during the night."
"Kyle Crane...he took out a whole battalion of soldiers!"
"Shut the Fuck up! You'll get that crate!" Rais yelled
"Or what?"
"Or this!"Rais yelled as he took out his pistol and shot his own men
"Fine...let's get out of here Randy."

We entered the east sector and waited until we heard it...the NightHunter

"Shit! Randy get your AK...this might get messy."

Randy gripped his AK-12 as tight as he could and he even had a custom made UV light attached to it and I gripped my compound bow ready to fire


It came falling down at us but it was to tough and knock me down to the ground and Randy started to fire at it but it dodged just in time

"Holy shit...Randy We can't kill that thing!" I said as Randy pointed at the falling crate
"We can't get that! We! Will! Die!"
I said as Randy the motion of our necks getting slit

Rais was serious so we headed to the supply crate but by the time we got there a man was already there...looting it...was that that infamous Kyle Crane?

"Get away from the crate!"
"Alright....Alright don't shoot!"?? Said
"Kyle Crane?"
"Yeah...what do you want?"Kyle said
"We want the crate! So get away!"
"Aren't you two Rais men?" Kyle asked
" what?"
"Well you don't se---"Kyle was cut off


Once again it showed and still as deadly as last time! The NightHunter pounced on Randy and Kyle Crane dropkicked it off of Randy

"Let's go!" Kyle yelled as he pointed to a Buggy and climbed on and started to drive
"Why did you help Randy?"
"You can't be Rais's men?" Kyle said curiously
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you would have shot me on sight." Kyle said
"Well we aren't sucks."
"Well that's bullshit! What's wrong with your friend?" Kyle Crane
"He's mute."

As Kyle drove us around he drove up on the Tower

"Why did you bring us here?"
"You aren't seem like you don't like Rais....And you know that now you failed to get that supply crate he will kill you."Kyle said
"How did you know we needed the crate?"
"No one goes to that shitshow unless for crates."Kyle answered
"Alright let's go inside!"
"Alright few things since your from Rais's place people won't like you that much but they'll get use to it."Kyle explained
"Ok then!"

As Kyle,Randy ,and I entered this was a new start to beat the asshole Rais to the ground!

Runners Of Rais (DyingLIGHT)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin