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Crove Hill Police Department
'Lieutenant Sawyer' A female detective known as Camila Cruz calls as she opens the door to his office.
She is one of the best detectives in Crove Hill PD. She is especially breaking boundaries as a woman and a person of colour. She is the first Latina to join Crove Hill PD with ancestral ties to Mexico, Chile and Puerto Rico.

'What?' Lieutenant Bill Sawyer answers with a trace of annoyance in his tone.

'We just received an emergency call from a man who has just found what he thinks is a severed limb in his garden and he's unsure if he should inspect it as he isn't completely sure it's real.' She elaborates.

Lieutenant Sawyer suddenly becomes interested in what she had just said as this may be a lead. This may lead them in the right direction towards the Blood Hound.

'Well I suggest you and another detective check it out. Warn him not to touch it as there may be fingerprints on it that may be important' He replies simply

'Yes sir' She replies as she returns to her desk and takes him off hold to inform him not to touch the evidence. Once she hangs up the call, she heads towards the break room in search of a detective that can accompany her. She locates Detective David Sherman who is her friend in this Police Department. He is a native to Crove Hill but his parents are originally from Ireland. He has been working in Crove Hill PD for several weeks now and is still classified a rookie by his more experienced counterparts.

Once his office door is closed, Lieutenant Sawyer begins to look around case files encircling the Blood Hound.
'This can't be the Blood Hound' He thinks aloud
'He always takes their heart out. This is so unlike him' He continues.
Lieutenant Sawyer finally rules out the possibility of the supposedly severed limb being a product of the Blood Hound's twisted games. 'Also, the Blood Hound hasn't struck in five months, if he did it would've been more elaborate'
He finally concludes it's just another prank pulled by some kids.
Or there may be another serial killer on the loose. Hopefully it isn't the latter.

Due to the war Lieutenant Sawyer is waging in his head, he doesn't realise 15 minutes has already gone by. Detective Cruz and Detective David Sherman have already arrived at the station and they are standing at the entrance of his office with the evidence bag and tagged, ready to go to forensics.

Lieutenant Sawyer has to examine the 'evidence' and if he deems it fit to go to forensics then he has to sign off on the paperwork. This is so as many pranks have been pulled on them before and now the Lieutenant has to ensure the 'evidence' is real.

'Lieutenant we have the evidence from the man and we believe it is in fact a severed limb' Detective Cruz holds up the bag and examines it 'in fact I believe it'ssevered arm'

Lieutenant Sawyer is now out of the internal battle he was in and his eyes shoot towards the bag, examining it as much as humanely possible from where he is seated.

'Let me see that' He says. Detective Cruz hands him the bag and he looks at it for a few seconds before he concludes this is, in fact, a legitimate body part.
'Where's the paperwork?' He asks. Detective Sherman takes out a folded piece of paper and slides it on the table in Lieutenant Sawyer's direction.

'We have filled in everything necessary, we just need you to sign off on it' Detective Sherman says in his usual monotonous voice. Lieutenant trusts all his Detectives but he finds something off putting about his newest detective, David Sherman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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