Chapter 2

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October 30, 20??

"And so the knight killed the witch, the end," Ms. Gale closed her copy of the book. Students followed suit as Ms. Gale stood from her seat, placing the book on her desk. Her hands clasped together as she looked at her students, "So class, any questions?" Some hands shot up and Ms. Gale studied them before choosing a lean teen seated in the second row. "Yes Dane," Ms. Gale asked. "Ms. Gale, why did the witch kill the woman," he inquired as others muttered yeah to themselves. The teacher tucked a light brown lock of hair behind her ear, "The witch didn't exactly kill the young woman and while some may say that she did, others will disagree. Some will also say that the witch merely took over her body." Satisfied with the answer the teen boy quiet down and Ms. Gale pointed to a bigger teen girl who sat up front. "Ms. Gale, who was the little girl who watched the knight leave the town?" Ms. Gale, who was now leaning against her desk looked up in thought, "Well Becky, I can't really say who she is. Perhaps she's important to the story, what do you think," Ms. Gale returned. Becky's eyebrows lowered and tugged on her sleeve with her manicured nails as she glanced at the book then back at her teacher.

"If she was such an important character, why is she only mentioned once," Becky rebutted. Ms. Gale smiled at Becky, "Perhaps the author had plans to make a sequel for the story but never got around to doing so." Becky was not satisfied with her teachers answer and snipped back at Ms. Gale. "If that's the case then why bother reader this," Becky retorted, "Why read an incomplete tale?" "True it is pointless, but this story is a part of our towns history and it is a Halloween tale so no harm done," Ms. Gale' answer seemed to satisfied Becky, and so she moved on to her other students. Fifteen minutes later and the final bell ranged, students jumped from their seats and stuffed the school supplies into the backpacks. "Okay class I hope you have a wonderful Halloween, stay safe," Ms. Gale said cheerfully as she watched her students leave the classroom. Becky had left the classroom quickly, still putting her sweater on and sliding her messenger bag on her shoulder. The halls began to fill with students who were eager to leave and go home to enjoy the weekend and holiday. The sound of a few lockers being open or closed could be heard over the loud chatter and shoes. Feeling annoyed with the noise, Becky took her gum pack from her jean pocket and tore into a piece of gum. The teen girl smiled as she spotted the exit and her pace quickened, as she was closing in on them a voice called out her name.

"Hey Becky, wait up," a male voice struggled to be heard over the loud chatter.

Becky glanced over her shoulder to she one of her friends fight the crowd to get to her. Grudgingly she slowed down and waited as students bumped into her still form, some giving her a scowl or glare before leaving the building. The male finally got to her and grinned whiled grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the school. Becky could have sworn she saw his perfect teeth sparkly and rolled her eyes, inside wishing her teeth were a white as Ben's. By now all the students were out of the building and several cars were leaving the parking lot. A single green car was left in the middle of parking spots and the two teens walked over to it. Ben grabbed his car key from his shirt pocket and unlocked the doors, Becky headed over to the passenger side and went in. Tossing their book bags into the backseat, Ben started the car and drove out of the student parking lot. "So Beck how was your day," Ben asked as he stole a glance at her then returning his eyes to the road. Becky looked out the window, staring at buildings as they drove by them, "It was fine, boring as usual. Not many of the teachers did Halloween themed lessons this year, at least most of mine didn't." Ben quirked a brow and turned on his turn single, making a left turn on red. "Really, most of my teacher did. Mr. Fawn even made us goodie bags." "Lucky you, Benny," she sarcastically said his nickname, "Ms. Gale told us an old story, said it happened here." The car rolled to into their neighborhood, several houses passing by until Becky and Ben's homes came into view. Ben slowed down and slid into his driveway, his hand shifting the car gear into park. "Really now," he smiled at his friend. Becky rolled her eyes, "Well she didn't say it was a TRUE story, she said it was a part of Bellbrook's history," Becky reached and grabbed their book bags. She shoved Ben's onto his lap and opened her door, slamming it shut out of habit. "So what's your plan for tomorrow," Ben asked as Becky rummaged through her messenger bag for her house key. "Nothing much, I'll probably watch some horror movies and drown myself in popcorn." Ben gave a dramatic gasp and grabbed Becky by her shoulders, shaking her lightly. "Come on Becky, tomorrow is Halloween and you're just going to spend it cooped up in your house." Becky rolled her eyes again and laughed, shoving her friend away and walked to her front door.

"Well Ben, it's not like I can go trick or treating. Remember what happened last year," Becky pointed out, "Plus it's not like anyone invited us to a party." Though it was more than likely some of the high school students were planning to party the night away, Becky had no interest in going. Ben, on the other hand, did, though not for the reasons you would think a teen boy would have. He was the kind of guy with a curiosity for everything and since he had never gone to a Halloween party where no parents would be there. Once telling Becky he wanted to know what would be the difference between parents hosted party and when the parent isn't around. "You really want to party, huh Ben. Well I'll be seeing you later," Becky stated, not waiting for his reply. Stepping into her home, Becky closed and locked the door behind her then threw her sweater on the coat rack near the door. The house dark with only the light from the windows peaking in, Becky's wasn't home yet and she was fine with that. Walking through the hall Becky made a quick stop into the kitchen to grab a snack before going up stairs and into her room. There she spent several hours watching some movies, talking on her phone and finishing up her homework. Her mother had come home an hour after her and the two ate take-out in silence. Neither having anything to say to each other, her mother retired to her room to sleep.

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