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     FINALLY, my lovelies

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     FINALLY, my lovelies. The day has come and Black Beauty is officially completed. I put so much time into it, yet I felt like I didn't put quite as much as I should've. This book was inspired by so many things—Game of Thrones (Khal Drogo and Daenerys' story), a Brazilian telenovela I watched a few years back that centered around an unhappy arranged marriage, and many more things.

I do realize that this book touched a lot of sensitive topics—physical, sexual, and verbal abuse—but I, IN NO WAY, condone this. My goal was never to romanticize these very real things. In the end, I hope everyone was able to see that these are things we don't talk about enough in the real world, and we should because it's harmful and unfair for those that are going through something similar in real life.

Furthermore, sexual abuse/harassment has been in the news a lot, lately, and I pray that justice can finally be brought. I want victims voices to be heard because they did not do anything to deserve to be assaulted in any way. I don't care what kind of power the assaulters have—IT DOES NOT JUSTIFY THEIR ACTIONS AGAINST AN INNOCENT PERSON.

I would like to say I'm proud of all the attention this book garnered, but there's something in me that wishes this book was better written. I know I disappeared for almost an entire year, neglecting this book and another I have, and not a day goes by that I don't regret disappearing for so long. I will be honest and say that not only did school play a big part on my hiatus, but major writer's block and personal issues did too. There were just a lot of things I needed to work through.

I am so thankful for every last person that came back to this story with every new update. I'm extremely thankful for every comment all of you posted at one point, stating how much you were enjoying the book. Every last one meant the world to me. And thank you so much for every single vote. You guys were the ones that motivated me from start to end, and I wish there was a better way to thank you all for all the support you've given me. I owe you all the world!

Now, there was no definitive closure in Black Beauty, and I think it's fair to tell you guys that I do have a sequel in the works. I've had it for some time now, actually. I'm not promising that I will publish it, though, but I would be very interested in hearing what you guys recommend. The sequel would be much shorter than Black Beauty, if I do publish it, and below is a screenshot of the cover.

 The sequel would be much shorter than Black Beauty, if I do publish it, and below is a screenshot of the cover

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Now, if a sequel is not what you guys are interest in, I do have other stuff coming out, or already out. I will have a book titled Ephemeral, and it will be about what would've happened had Eric not been the one picked to marry Penelope in Black Beauty. I have a few chapters already completed and I do think you guys would enjoy it.

Here's the cover:

I also have a Bill Skarsgård social media already out, and if you guys love him as much as I do, check out Serendipity

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I also have a Bill Skarsgård social media already out, and if you guys love him as much as I do, check out Serendipity.

I also have a Bill Skarsgård social media already out, and if you guys love him as much as I do, check out Serendipity

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I think it's right I end this A/N by thanking you guys again. I honestly do appreciate you all, every person that gave me advice, every single one of you that read, voted and commented. You guys are amazing.

Thank you so much, everyone! ❤️

p.s. I will be editing Black Beauty from the start and rewriting the chapter Wattpad deleted a while back. I may also make some changes, but I don't think anything drastic—just little details.

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