Chapter 5: The Warren

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~Eve's POV~

We held a ceremony for Sandy at North's workshop. I placed a candle on his tile. I gripped Bunny's hand seeing him sniffle a little. Tooth held onto my other hand while North held onto her other hand.

"Look how fast they're going out" Tooth pointed to the lights on the globe. "It's fear" Jack said while flying to the top of the globe. "He's tipped the balance" Jack told us. "Hey buck up you sad sacks. We can still turn this around. Easter is tomorrow. And I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again" Bunny told us. I followed behind North, Bunny and Jack, flying next to Tooth. "Bunny is right. As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas" North told Bunny. "Hey, did everyone hear that?" Bunny asked in surprise. "We must hurry to the warren. Everyone! To the sleigh!" North commanded. "Oh no mate. My warren, my rules. Buckle up" Bunny said and stomped the ground a few times with his paw. Just then the ground beneath me fell apart, one of Bunny's holes engulfing everyone. I let out little yelps and cheers of delight, it was just a big slide if you thought about it. I hoped onto my feet, sticking my landing. I took in the view of the warren. It was beautiful. "Buckle up" is very funny" North chuckled. "Welcome to the warren--" Bunny said but then suddenly perks his ears up and sniffed the air "Somethings up". We all prepared to attack, myself getting my scythe ready, us running to the sound of the scream coming from the tunnel. Some of us letting out battle cries. We all stopped when we saw a little girl. It was that girl that I saw go through the portal! "Sophie?" Jack asked. I immediately put my sheath away. Sophie giggled while she looked around, she caught her eyes on an elf and ran after it yelling "elf elf elf". "What is SHE doing HERE?" Bunny asked North. "Ah. Snow globe" North said embarrassed, checking his coat. "Crikey! Somebody do something!" Bunny demanded. "Don't look at me, I'm invisible, remember?" Jack said while putting his hand in the air innocently. I looked over to see Sophie dragging that poor elf around. "Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan" Tooth said while flying over to Sophie. " It's okay little one" Tooth told her. "Pretty" Sophie awed. "Awww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is. *pulls out teeth* Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them" Tooth gushed. Sophie ran away bawling. "Blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" Jack asked the other guardians as I walked over to the little girl quietly. "Pretty" Sophie gushed and I picked her up. She ran a hand through my hair. After a while I set her down. "We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time..." *sees Sophie chasing butterflies and giggling* "..for children" North explained to Jack. "If one little kid can ruin Easter, then...we're in worse shape than I thought" Jack said, creating a snowflake and floating it over to Bunny, it hitting Bunny's nose.

"You want to paint some eggs?" I asked Sophie. "Okay" she cheered. "Come on" I said to her, taking her little hand in mine. I held her to my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my stomach. I extended my wings and started to fly, letting her get a view of the Warren. It wasn't my first time here so I wasn't in shock as much as the others. "Alright troops, it's time to push back. That means eggs! Everywhere! Heaps of you in every high-rise, farm house and trailer park! In tennis shoes and cereal bowls! Oh, there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!" Bunny said to us. "There will be springtime! On every continent! And I'm bringing hope with me!". "Poor little ankle-bitter. Look at her, all tuckered out" Bunny said as we gathered around her. "I love her" Tooth gushed while Bunny laid Sophie in my arms. "I think it's time to get her home" I said, standing up. "How about I take her home?" Jack asked. "Jack no. Pitch is-" "No match for this" Jack interrupted, motioning towards his staff. "Which is why wer need you here with us" Bunny told Jack. "Trust me, I'll be quick as a bunny" Jack reassured us. I handed her in his arms, the nice feeling of coolness taking over my body before I pulled away.

"They don't see me.They don't see me" Bunny whispered, falling down. I flew over to his side but whimpered slightly when more feather started to whither. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Jack!" I yelled in relief, walking over to him. "Where did you get that?" Tooth gasped in shock. I looked down to see one box of teeth. It must have been his. But that would mean he was with Pitch. " I's" Jack tried to explain. "Where's Baby Tooth?" she asked "Oh Jack, what have you done?" Tooth asked, feeling betrayed. "That is why you weren't here?" North asked while he stepped forward to confront Jack. "You were with Pitch?" North asked also feeling betrayed. "No, listen, listen...I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen" Jack apologized. "He has to go" Bunny told us. "What?" Jack asked. "We should never have trusted you!" Bunny yelled at Jack. "Easter is new beginnings, new life. Easter is about hope. And now it's gone" Bunny sighed and walked away. Jack turned around to look at us. North and Tooth looked away but I just starred at him. 'How could he have even trusted Pitch?' Jack walked towards me but I took a step back, the pained expression in his eyes was like a knife to the chest, but so was him trusting Pitch. Jack looked down and let something fall before he flew away. It was a little Russian doll thing that North had. I picked it up and held it in my hand.

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