Chapter 4: Collecting The Teeth

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~Eve's POV~
"Quickly! Quickly" "Hop to it rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead" "Yeah right. Look I'd tell you to stay out of my way, but really, what's the point? 'Cause you wont be able to catch up anyways" "Is that a challenge cotton tail?" All of the men portion of the Guardians (excluding Sandy) bantered with each other playfully. I rolled my eyes while shadow traveling from home to home, collecting the teeth and putting money down underneath. Tooth started to spurt out information about where the teeth were. "Two molars over there! Three bicuspids over there!" Tooth yelled at me happily while I tried to fetch for them only to shadow travel onto the edge of a house, my feet wobbling to keep balance. "Hey, you okay?" Jack asked while putting his staff around my waist pulling me close. My cheeks burned a bright red as I noticed how close we were. "Yes, thanks" I said while pushing him away gently. Jack smirked while looking down at me. "Shorty" Jack teased while taking my five-foot body in. "Hey, not all of us were made to be giants like you, Bunny and North" I retorted, crossing my arms with a huff. "Cute" Jack mused. "Shut up, Don't you have a competition to win?" I asked while my face heated up and shadow traveled somewhere else. Houses after houses, countries after countries, we collected the teeth and some of us put gifts out for the kids to open up. May not have been the best idea to give them candy though.

"His tooth looks like it was knocked out. Hmmm.... sledding accident?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Kids huh?" Jack asked innocently while looking at Jaime's pictures. I carefully sat on his bed, making sure I didn't apply too much weight to wake him up. "This is always the part I liked the most. The kids, seeing their faces, sometimes seeing a smile on their faces while they sleep" I said while I caressed Jaime's face. "It's a little different up close huh?" Jack noted. I looked at Jack and gave him a sincere smile. "Thank you for being here Jack. It means a lot to Tooth. She wishes that she'd known about your memories, she would've helped you" I said while putting my hand and his shoulder. "Yeah well. Look, let's just get you and Tooth taken care of. Then it's Pitch's turn" Jack promised, his mesmerizing eyes burning into mine. "Here you are" North interrupted while trying to squeeze through the window. "Shh" I shushed the others (except for Bunny), that soon came through the window, pointing at the kid that stirred a little in his sleep. "What gives, lovebirds? How are you feeling Evie?" North asked. "Better, how's Tooth?" I asked. "Believed in" she gushed making me and North laugh. "That's what I wanted to hear" North told Tooth. "Oh I see how it is. All working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place" Bunny said, hopping out of his tunnel. Everyone shushed him. "You think I need help to beat a bunny? Check it out Peter Cottontail" Jack told Bunny, holding a small bag of teeth. "You call that a bag of choppers? *holds up bigger bag of teeth* Now that's a bag of choppers" Bunny told Jack. "Gentlemen, gentlemen. This is about Tooth and Eve. It's not a competition. But if it was, I WIN!" North bragged, yelling in victory. A flashlight was switched on, pointing at North. "Oh no" North said, shrinking back a little. "Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? Sandman? The Tooth Fairy? I knew you'd come! The Spirit of Halloween?" Jaime asked while pointing the flashlight at all of us, well except for Jack. "Surprise! We came" Tooth lied, laughing innocently. "He can see us?" Jack asked me. "Most of us" Bunny told Jack. We all looked at Jack but Jaime couldn't see Jack. "You guys, he's still awake" I reminded everyone. "Sandy, knock him out" Bunny told Sandy who just started to pound his fist, confusing poor Jaime. "With the dreamsand you gumbies!" Bunny told Sandman. Jaime's dog started to growl at Bunny. "No stop! That's the Easter Bunny!" Jaime yelled, trying to contain his dog. "What are you doing, Abbey? Down!" Jaime demanded the growling dog. "All right, nobody panic" Bunny tried to calm everyone down. "But that's a greyhound" Jack pointed out. "Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" Jack asked. "I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me" Bunny said, starring the dog down. Sandy had gotten his dreamsand ready just in case. "Six-foot-one, nerves of steel, Master of tai-chi and the ancient art of.." Bunny went on, bragging about himself until Jack hit the alarm making the dog go crazy. "Crikey!" Bunny yelled, frightened while trying to get away from the dog. 'Stop! Sit!" Bunny ordered while jumping around the room, knocking into Sandy. "Down girl!" Jaime told his dog. Sandy tried to aim the best he could for the dog but ended up missing, hitting Tooth and her little fairy, the two of them falling into a deep sleep. "She's rabid! Get this dingo off me!" Bunny yelled. The sand hit Bunny and then the dog, making them also go into a deep sleep. It hit North next while I dodged it. "Candy canes.." North mumbled but then fell asleep. Jaime ended up in the Sandman's arms. Sandy hit Jaime with some of the dreamsand, Jaime falling into a deep sleep just like the rest of them. "I really wish i had a camera right now" Jack laughed. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm. Sandy gave him a look but then saw something out the window. I looked back and saw a Nightmare. Jack hopped out the window. "Sandy come on! We need to find Pitch!" Sandy gave me a cautious look. "Go, I'll handle the others" I said while Sandy followed Jack. I jumped out the window, landing on their yard to see if any other Nightmares were around. None were around so I shadow traveled from the porch to Jaime's room. I was just in time to see Jaime's little sister playing with North's snow globe. "Oh no" I said while the girl tripped and the portal opened. She went inside just as I was trying to get to her in time. Just as I reached her, she disappeared into wherever she planned to go. "This is really bad" I whispered to myself. "What?" North asked but then fell asleep again. "Oh no you don't" i said while hitting him awake. Not very affective at all. I huffed while shadow traveling them to the sleigh. I couldn't quite get the control of the sleigh so I kept knocking into things, the other eventually waking up. I hoped out of the sleigh, my wings spreading out, completely healed from Pitch's first attack. I destroyed as many Nightmare's as possible but it seemed as if they were multiplying. I flew into the sky where the others were after all the Nightmares had been destroyed. "We've got to help Sandy" I told the others, looking up to where Sandy was fighting off the black sand. Pitch shot an arrow of black sand at Sandy, killing him. "SANDY!" I screamed while trying to fly faster. "Eve!" The others yelled after me but I didn't listen. My heart was pounding in my ears. "Don't fight the fear little man" Pitch chuckled darkly. Sandy was soon covered head to toe in black sand. Pitch's Nightmares swarmed around me, trying to block me from Sandy. I broke through them. "I'd say 'sweet dreams' but there aren't any left" Pitch mocked. All of the sand soon disappeared. I was too late. "No!" I yelled, flying towards Pitch only to have his hand take form of hands and strangle me. I was slowly loosing consciousness. "How does it feel daughter to know that you'll never win? That all of your death and immortal life was for nothing?" Pitch asked me. "It was never for nothing. You will never win" I struggled to get out. "I'm afraid i already have" Pitch cackled, letting my body go. "Darkness will never win" I whispered, my eyes feeling heavy. I heard Jack screaming but it was soon tuned out as everything turned black as my body was descending from the sky at a fast paste.

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