The man shook his head no.

Shit well looks like we don't have much of a choice so who Is this dictator ? Gwen Asked The Man

Sandiaga. The Man Said

Gwen's eyes went wide.

I thought he was In jail. Gwen thought to herself     

Isn't he In jail ? Gwen Asked The Man

Yeah but he exsaped and came to our planet to take control of It. The Man Said

Gwen sighed. 

So where Is he then ? Gwen Asked The Man

He live In the town north of here. The Man Said

Fine but you better be ready to talk when we get back. Gwen Said

Oh I will. The Man Said

Gwen and Noah walked out of the bar.

Where the hell Is Rose and Greg. Noah Said

I don't know but we better find them. Gwen Said

Gwen and Noah walked to the side of the building to see Rose and Greg with Z who's wearing handcuffs.

Why is he In handcuffs ? Gwen Asked Them

Well we saw him go In the alley and we followed him and saw him talking with someone who's name Is benito and he told us that him and Z here  are working for sandiaga. Rose Said

Gwen smirked.

That's good we have to go kill Sandiaga. Gwen Said

Also Z Is Sandiaga's son. Greg Said

Gwen's eyes went wide.

What seriously he's Sandiaga's son. Gwen Said

Guy's can you tell me who this Sandiaga Is ? Noah Asked Them

He's the man who got my biological father killed and we got sent to jail year's back. Rose Said

Wait you're Eric crew. Z Said

Yeah we are and where were you when your father got arrested anyways ? Rose Asked Z

I was with my mother then. Z Said

Yeah well we're gonna have to kill your father. Gwen Said

Z eyes went wide.

What you can't do that. Z Said

We can and we are. Gwen Said

Fuck you I'll kill you all before you get there. Z Said

Greg punched Z and knocked him out.

What the hell did you do that for. Rose Said

He was annoying me. Greg Said

Gwen sighed and walked over and picked Z up and lifted up over her shoulder.

Well let's get going. Gwen Said


Everyone walked outside of town and started walking north.

So when should we get there ? Rose Asked Gwen

A day or two. Gwen Said

Agh that's too long. Rose Said

Well shut up and It well probably go faster. Z Said

Rose glared at Z.

How about you shut your fucking mouth. Rose Said

Make me. Z Said

Will you both shut up you're annoying. Noah Said

After and few hours of walking Gwen stopped.

Where camping here for the night. Gwen Said

Why we only walked for a few hours. Noah Said

It's getting late and I don't like traveling In the dark. Gwen Said

Fine. Noah Said

After setting up camp Noah looked around.

So who's tent am I sleeping In ? Noah Asked Them

You bunking with me. Gwen Said

Noah smiled.

Ok sounds good to me. Noah Said

Yeah just don't try anything. Gwen Said

Trust me I won't. Noah Said

Why's that ? Gwen Asked Noah

I'm asexual as In I don't have a sex drive. Noah Said

Oh well that must fucking suck. Gwen Said

Hey It ain't that bad I just focus on other things Instead. Noah Said

Gwen and Noah sat down at the fire with Rose Greg and Z.

Will you guys uncuff me now ? Z Asked Them

Hell no. Rose Said

And why's that. Z Said

Because you'll just run off If we do. Rose Said

I fucking hate you. Z Said

Ahh I hate you too. Rose Said

Sarcastic bitch. Z Mumbled

So I'm sleeping In your guyses tent ? Z Asked Rose and Greg

Yeah. Greg Said

Rose Greg and Z crawled In the Tent and Rose looked at Z.

You better still be here when I wake up. Rose Said

Don't worry sweet cheeks I will. Z Said

Rose blushed and growled.

Don't fucking call me that. Rose Said

Z chuckled.

Whatever. Z Said

Greg and Rose want to sleep and Z sat there with his eyes closed but heard a noise and opened his eyes to see Rose sitting up.

What are you doing ? Z Asked Rose

It's none of your business. Rose Said

Ahh sweet cheeks tell me please. Z Said

Rose glared at Z.

I said don't call me that. Rose Said

You're cute when you're mad. Z Said

I fuking hate this guy. Rose thought to herself

                                                                 END OF CHAPTER

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