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 So Yang-Jian came back every single day, always for a few minutes at a time just to punch that tree. He'd punch very hard and bruise both hands before returning to the orphanage. The people at the orphanage never asked any questions, they just weren't interested in what was going on. So every single day for the next few weeks, Yang-Jian returned, always carrying back bruised knuckles.

 As time went on Yang-Jian's knuckles toughened and he began to develop more stamina when punching the tree. On the fourth week, a man appeared by the forest and inspected the tree. When he saw Yang-Jian coming towards the tree he smiled at him, pleasantly revealing his strangely white teeth. His smile was such a beautiful smile and you could always feel an aura of happiness and joy when around him. He seemed to be giving off vibes of kindness.

  He ran up to Yang-Jian and unexpectedly threw his arms around Yang-Jian embracing him in a wide hug. He removed his hood to reveal a wrinkly old face with plenty of wisdom and experience. He wasn't very old but he was already starting to form wrinkles around his face and his black hair was already starting to grey.

 Yang-Jian was about to tell the man that he did not know who he was, when he suddenly remembered that Arcturus had sent some-one to inspect him. But why was this man hugging him?

"Yang!!! How I've missed you!"He cried, "What? You have forgotten me? Surely not? Well I suppose you were a young baby when I took you to the orphanage. I'm Harry, a weak summoner, I found you when you tumbled out of the portal."

 Yang-Jian did not know what to say, so he just smiled in a timidly awkward fashion at the man. Then, suddenly remembering the task that Arcturus had to told him to do, he stepped past the man and started to walk towards the tree. The man followed looking slightly unnerved. He had a look of displeasure on his face now.

"Yang, please don't do this, you're not achieving anything and you're just hurting yourself. Don't listen to Arcturus, learn the ways of the wise man not the brute. Please, don't do this to yourself, you're too hard on yourself."

Yang-Jian ignored his protests and swung at the tree. The man cowered almost as if it was himself that was being hit. 

"STOP STOP!!! I can heal you! I can help you punch through just stop punching it!!" He cried " Please don't PLEASE!!! I can help you burn down the tree or whatever, just stop hurting yourself! Arcturus is too harsh!"

Still Yang-Jian ignored the poor mans screams and carried on chipping at the tree. When he had finished he started to return. Harry begged him to let him heal him but Yang-Jian denied him that, he had to keep to the rules Arcturus set, no magic.

Child of the Ether (Summoner Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن